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"Actually, thats my side of the bed." Ash says.

Well fuck. Ummm... how do we fix this unfortunate event.

Here are my options.

Number one: match his energy
Number two: be awkward
Number three: be flirty

Hmmm. Number three for me lol.

"Do you mind?" I say.

Girl istg im trying not to vomit over here.

"Do you really want to sleep in my bed tonight?" He says.

Well yes, Dumb ass bitch.

"Do you mind?" I ask him his own question back.

"Do you?" He says AGAIN.

Bruh this kid getting on my nerves.

Let me set this straight.

"No, I don't mind, and you don't mind either, am I right?" I say (pissing myself).

-ash's pov-


Omfg. She's litterally so fucking annoying.

But she's cute tho.

I wanna kiss her. Wait no. HELL NO.

Bro her mom just died.

Ya know what, fuck it.

-Quinn's pov-

He- OH.

He kisses me. Oh god. Yes. I lo-

Bitch what. He pulls back.

Why the fuck.

I wasn't done.

"I'm sorry. I don't kno-" he says, but I cut that bitch off.

I kiss him again. Why? My life sucks.

So dear ashtray, distract me, PLEASE.

Oh and he did.

He grabbed me by my waist, THREW ME ON THE BED, and we start making out.

And then he pulled his shirt off. And let me tell you something.

I didn't have any laundry, but I'd like to put some soap on those WASHBOARD ABS.

Just as we were about to do whatever comes next.. Faye enters.

This bitch didn't even knock? The fuck.

Yeah I don't like her. First of all: y'all know those men who make balloon figures to lure little kids into their van? Yeah. One of those made this bitch her lips okay.

Second of all, she's always high. This girl skipped the blunts, and went straight to old-men-drugs.

Yup. Heroine. Don't even ask me why she's staying here.

Fez has a crush on Lexi, so we can cross that one out.


"Get the fuck out." Ash says to Faye.

Bro damn... I guess it's the lack of father figure in me that makes this... hot?

"Sorry" he says.

"For what"

"Idk was that too harsh?" He says, still shirtless on top of me.

"No that was hot" I say laughing.

"Want a coke?" He asks.


My man knows me so well. I was thirsty as fuck.

He gives me a forehead kiss.

I MELT. The only forehead kiss I've ever got was from a YouTube video from Emma chamberlain.

He stands up, grabs a shirt and puts it on.

I watch.


"Fix your lip shit, or do you want fez to know?" He says.

"If you wipe my lip GLOSS off your mouth, sure." I answer.

We both fix our makeup.

I kinda wanna know if this was like a one time thing or not. Idk, I'm just not sure.

Let's ask.

"Hey um, is thi-" i try to say, but he interrupts me.

"No, this wasn't a one time thing." He says, wiping my lipgloss off his nose.


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