Teach me how to shoot a gun.

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Since we got home it's been kinda tough.

I'm more at home than I used to be, which sucks because I'm locked up in the place I nearly died, and five other men did.

Fez cleaned everything up neatly, and put some home like stuff in there, moved the furniture around a little bit and things like that, so it wasn't too confronting for me.

I'm very grateful for that.

Mentally I'm doing okay.

As always, better than I thought I would be. I feel less lonely than I did before it happened, because ash refuses to go anywhere.

He stays with me at home all day long and honestly, I'm loving it.

We cuddle up and watch movies together all day long.

He cooks now too.

We got tired of eating sushi all day, so I made a list for him this time with a bunch of ingredients and recipes for him to make.

Nothing more complicated than friend eggs and grilled cheeses though, but it's a start.

The first day or two he also carried me around the house like a cat, because walking hurt too much.

Which brings me to how I'm doing physically.


The two spots where the bullets were are still hurting, but the rest is okay.

I definitely still feel globally overall tired and broken, because things don't work.

I'm just tired yk.

But I feel good.

Definitely with ash now 24/7 at home.

I do really want to get my nails done.

I lost 3 acrylics while trying to stay alive, and the rest fell off because of stress.

I'm thinking luxury red almond shaped nails.

Not too long, cause that's not practical.

Which brings me to my next slide in my PowerPoint.


I need to defend myself, especially since I'm cripple now.

If I don't know how to handle a gun, and that gang tries to assassinate me again, I can't kungfu kick them in their nits when I'm all Chrissy crumbled.

Also, the Chrissy wake up thing is really annoying the fuck out of me.

No, it's not funny. You're not being funny.

Listen, I've been watching stranger things with ash and he loves it, until season 4. It was kinda rushed and bad.

Success kills creativity I guess.

We're watching the umbrella academy now.


Ash is being really good for me. He's helping with everything you could imagine. He even gave me a massage. It was really bad and he could only massage my neck cause, you know, I got shot in the shoulder, but definitely an A for effort.

Oh yeah. The guns.

Me and ash are watching Vanya slice Alison's throat as we speak, but I've seen too much blood to be scared of it anymore.

"Hey ash."

"Yeah"  he says.

"Can you teach me how to use a gun."

He pulls me closer to him on the couch and puts his hand around my hips.

"Which one?" He asks.

"Every single one." I say.

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