"You taste like weed and liquor, just how I like it."

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"ASH" I yell.

He puts the gun down.

"Jesus, why?" I ask him.

"I was just....he was.." he stumbles.

"You're coming with me." I say.

"And I get the gun" I add, shoving it in the back of my rum-covered dress.

I grab ash by his arm and take him upstairs.

I open a few rooms, all filled with kissing people.

I open the last room. Again, two kissing people.

It's Cassie and McKay.

"Guys, I'm sorry but can me and my boyfriend have the room for like five minutes?" I ask.

"Damn, you're already fucking in 5 minutes? You're quick for a 16 year old." Cassie says.

"No Cas, we need to have a conversation."

"Ugh fine. Be quick." She says.

I lock the door behind me and sit ash down on the bed.

"You can't bring a fucking gun to a party." I say.

"Well I want to be able to keep you safe?" He says.

"Keep me safe!? You think a gun in a house with drunk teenagers will keep me safe?!" I say.

"I'll admit I didn't think it through, okay?" He says.

"I think I got shot at enough" I say.

"You know that not what I want." Ash says.

He's right. That was mean and unfair.

"Sorry. That was unfair. I know you want what's best for me." I say.

Ash looked sad and full of regret.

You could see he cares.

I walk up to him and sit on his lap.

I kiss him slowly on his lips.

Then we hug.

"Your dress still wet tho?" Ash asks.


"Show me that ass" ash says.

I stand up and turn around.

"You're so gross." I say, and we laugh.

We fall on the bed and kis even more.

Ugh this man...

"I told Cassie five minutes only" I say.

"I also don't want to fuck you on the bed Cassie was about to fuck her boyfriend on." I add.

"Fair enough" ash says.

We head back downstairs.

I remake my rum-coke, and we head outside.

Mind you, I still have the gun almost down my ass crack.

As I'm about to crash with ash next to the pool, I see Gia.

Gia is rue's little sister, and rue doesn't like her smoking weed and shit like that. She doesn't want Gia to end up like her.

"What you doing over here?" I ask her.

"Hello to you too." She says.

"You know rue is here, right?"

"Do I care? No." She says.



Me and ash sit down on a sofa against the fence. I didn't even feel my wet rum-coated ass, since all the furniture was moist.

Good chance they were also covered in drinks. Nice and sticky.


"You got any weed?" I ask ash.

"Oh shit... I don't".

"Jk" I say, pulling out the pre-rolled blunts from my bra.

Ash looked at me and almost drooled all over me.

"I'll pull weed out of my bra everyday for you babe" I say.

"You better." He says, and I shove my blunt in his mouth.

The blunt that has touched my tit. He likes it.

We don't break eye contact.

I light his blunt and he blows smoke in my face.

I breathe it in.

I blow it back in his face while leaning in, and we make out.

This mf is replacing my whole jaw area.

After a while of kissing, we back off.

"You taste like weed and liquor, just how I like it." Ash says.

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