Emotional private shooting range.

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Later the same day, ash took me to a shooting range.

No. He didn't.

Just kidding.

We have guns at home, remember? Better ones than the ones that are legal.

So instead, ash grabbed all the guns he had, and drove me to a more deserted part of California.

"Turn it up" I say to ash, since he has to do all the shoulder work for me.

'You know how we do it' by ice cube was playing in the car.

It's a cool, yet sassy song.

It's our favourite.

He thinks summer walker is too chill. He needs some pump in his music.

The neighbours would disagree lol.

Not that they've ever complained though.

Also because we made them sign an NDA.

Ash pulls up to a completely empty spot.

There's nothing. It's literally desert.

"Don't worry, I have a power bank. We can charge the phones." He says.

Obviously I was worrying about getting back safely, but I trust ash.

If we get hungry, we have some snacks.

Ourselves. Lol.



"Ready babe?" he asks.

"More than ever." I say.

He gets out of the car, and helps me out on the other side.

Then he opens the trunk, pulling out a mattress.

"The fuck's that for" I ask.

"You though I was gonna make yo cripple ass stand?" He says.

I laugh. He's funny. And hot. Not smart tho. But that's okay.

I sit down on the mattress and he sits next to me.

He kisses me on my lips. Slowly....

"You sure you can shoot with those nails?" He says, looking at my freshly frenched pearly coated nails, that aren't even that long.

First thing I did when I was able to walk, was get my nails done. And yes. I can shoot with them.

You don't know what these babies are capable of.


"Well see." He says.

He hands me a small pistol first.

"This is small one, k?  Ash says.

"You shoot by pulling the trigger, and here's the thing you load it with. Let me take it off safety for you" he says, getting behind me and leaning over my shoulders.

"Now make sure to hold it steady and not let it slip." He whispers on my ear.

"What am I pointing at?" I ask.

"See that ugly ass car over there? The tires."

"What? That's someone's car." I say in disbelief.

"It's was mouse his car. I already shot in the windows." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"To relieve stress. You nearly died. Twice. It was hard on me. Finding you on the carpet all bloody." He says.

I slowly put the gun on the dusty dessert ground, and turn around to ash. I struggle because it's hurts of course.

"Quinn don't-" he says.

"Let me" I say, shushing him.

"I don't like seeing You in pain." He says.

I hug him.

He's been trough much as well.

"I love you, and I'm sorry for scaring you." I say.

We kiss.

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