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So you see.

Turns out, the stitch was 15 minutes of work, and I got to go home very quickly.

Fine by me.

Me and ash got home, and we made coffee.

As I'm pulling my spheres so shot for my iced coffee, ash ask me something.

"How's your stitch, bitch?"

Very kind of him.

It's our inside joke, and I also called him 'bitch' back at the hospital, so it's fine.

"To be honest, I don't really feel shit" I say.

Because I don't. Really.

I mean, me and ash literally get high every 30 minutes or so, but it didn't hurst as much as I thought or would.

Maybe the spot just turned numb? Who knows.



"Do you like chocolate chip cookies?" I ask.

Cause I love them.

"Hell yeah" he answers.

"Guess my bad boy has a sweet tooth after all"

"Bad boy? You're the one who had the most experience with bullets"

"Shut up" I say.

I walk over to ash, hand him his coffee, and walk back to the kitchen.

I open all the cabinets, but I can only find a two year old pack of flour.

That won't be of any help.

"Imma run to the store really quick" I say to ash.

"What? You can't go out. You just got your leg done" ash says.

'Got my leg done'. Funniest shit ash has ever said.

"Bye babes" I say, kissing his cheek.

I walk off, but ash grabs my arm.

"I don't think so" ash said.

"Oh come on! Don't be a baby. Look how well it's healing."

I step in front of him and pull down my pants.

"See?" I ask ash, but he's looking at something else than my fresh stitch.

(My ass).

"Uhh, you perv." I say and I walk off.

"No but seriously Quinn," ash says.

"Be careful, and if anything happens, call me, okay?" Ash asked.

"Of course. I'll be fine." I say.

I give ash another kiss, grab my keys and cash from the kitchen counter, and I'm on my way.

I grab ash's car, cause I ain't walking that shit end to whole foods.

I park outside of the supermarket, and get myself a cart.

As I'm walking in, I realise it's been an eternity since I was in a fucking supermarket.

The fuck.

Normal people do that twice a day.


I see Maddy, who I've also not spoken to in a week, besides texting.

"Hey bitch" I say, tapping her back.

She turns around, and has a box of condoms in her hand.

"What are those for?" I ask.

"Hey girl, how've you been"

"Good, actually"

"What about your boyfriend? How's he"

"Amazing. He took me to the hospital twice in a month."

"Twice?! Bitch I though you only got shot once" she says confused.

"Yeah umm... one of my stitches broke."

"Oh shit. Which one"




"So what are those condoms for? You and Nate fucking again?" I ask.

"Well... it's... complicated. But yeah. They're for Nate."

"What's new"

"Oh shut up." Maddy replies.

I get my cookie shit, and Maddy grabs some lube as well.

I'm not gonna blame her for wanting some action and distraction.

Me too tbh.


At the register, Maddy asks me a question.

"Hey, would you wanna babysit with me some time? So we can really catch up"

"Yeah sure! When?" I ask.

"The 7th."

"So  this Sunday?"


"Perfect. I'll bring some cookies."

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