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-Quinn's pov-

I woke up in the hospital.

The first thing I see is a worried look on ash's face.

I cry.

I can't believe I'm alive.

"Am I okay?" I ask the nurse who was also standing next to the bed.

It was dark outside.

"Oh my god! You're awake!" Ash screams through the entire hospital.

He definitely woke some people up out of their comas.

"Yeah, somehow" I cry.

He hugs me.

"No, don't do that. She needs rest." The nurse says to ash.

"I don't need rest. When can I get home?" I ask her.


"I'm sorry ash." I say.

I felt bad about... you know. The 5 dead men in his house.

"I made a mess."

"No you didn't, you had no choice. I couldn't care less about blood on the walls if it means you're alive."

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"Two days. Not too long. Don't worry."

"But, the bodies, who's gonna clean em up?" I whisper.

"Fez did it all. It's his way of closure I guess."

Oh my god.

I mean, I'm traumatised,  but ash and fez are too.

Fez is like a big brother to me and I nearly died.

That must have been hard on him.



"I have to pee."



"Can I press the red button?" Ash's asks.


We call the nurse and she tells me that if u can walk, I can take a piss by myself.

waking hurst like hell, but I really need to go.

On my way to tho bathroom, I stumble into.. rue?!

What the fuck was she doing her.

"RUE"  I scream.

She looks over at me. She seems surprised and scared.

We both struggle to walk towards each other, like old people would. We also both have one of those cart things in front of us to help us walk.

"The fuck you her for?!" I ask her.


"Oh shit"

"Yeah, but you, why the fuck you in here?!" She asks.

I move closer.

"So basically, 5 men intruded the house while I was home alone, and tried to assassinate me."

I got shot twice, in my thigh and shoulder. Killed them all" I say.

She stares at me in disbelief.

"Anyway, I gotta take a piss." I say, and walk into one of the bathroom stalls.

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