Goodnight and good morning.

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After the training, which I did surprisingly well on by the way, we headed back home.

It had gotten cozy in the dust, but also dark, and shooting something when you can't see shit is never a good idea.

Ash had put on a jazz playlist on Spotify, so the vibes would remain chill in the car, since, you guessed it, ash was a bit of a wild driver.

Doesn't matter.

I'll ride him or his car at any given moment.


I woke up. I had fallen asleep in the car, and when we made that one turn into town, I knew home was near.

He had put a blanket on me after I dozed off., and turned the ac on. 

also, the jazz was still on.

Didn't expect ash to listen to that stuff while I was asleep. After all, I'm a heavy sleeper, and don't wake up easily when I'm asleep.

Ash knew that. We'd been sleeping next to each other for months now.

"I see you kept the jazz on."

"Yeah, I like it."

We pull up to the house.

Ash gets out and opens my door seconds later.

"Want me to carry you inside?" He asks.

I almost wanted to say 'no thanks', but I forgot I couldn't really walk.

I nod yes.

I'm still sleepy.

Ash carries me to the front door and I ring the bell.

"Straight to the bedroom?" Ash asks, since I'm almost falling asleep again.

"Uh huh." I say.

Fez opens the door and immediately walks back to the couch.

He looks... a bit 'dull'.

Don't know why.

Maybe he's just tired like me. I don't imagine myself looking like Bella Hadid in this current state of mine.

Lets just hope I look sleepy cute and not sleepy ugly. Poor ash.

Speaking of.

He walks me to the bedroom and lays me down.

"Tuck me in" I say.


"Do I look like I have enough energy to tuck my own ass in? No. So tuck me in bitch." I say in a joking kid of way.

I don't actually need ash to tuck me in, but I wanted to see if he would do it.

And oh he did.

He tucked me in really good babe. He even laid next to me as I dozed off for the second time in 12 minutes.

The next morning I woke up next to ash who was still asleep.

He fell asleep in a hugging position.

I didn't. I was tucked in.

So when I fell asleep, he must have untucked me so he could hug me and HE could fall asleep.


As I'm staring at his cute little drug dealer face I notice his tattoos.

I think they're cool.

I'm hungry.

I get out of bed and give ash a kiss on his cheek tattoo. The diamond one.

That accidentally woke him up.

"What are you doing up so early?" He says.

"When did you go to bed last night?" I ask.

"Same time as you."

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Surprise me."

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