Cookies and party prepping.

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I close the door behind me and put my groceries in the kitchen counter.

"There's a party tonight" fez says to me and ash.

"Alright... who's in!" I say very exited.

"No no no no... you ain't goin to a party." Asha says.

"Oh come on. Why can't u have a little fun?"

"I mean, your life has been shit for the past month so...."

"That's what I mean" I say.

"It's starts at 11" fez adds.

I look at ash.

"Sure, but I'm coming with you." Ash says.

"Fine. But who's party is it actually?" I ask.

"Some my called McKay?"

"Hmm." I say.

I've heard his name been dropped a few times.


"Now who the fuck wants a cookie?" I say.

"Me" "me" I hear twice.

That's a good sign. 

"What y'all looking at? I still have to make them."

I add flour, eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla to a bowl.

I let ash do the mixing, cause he's strong.

I mix some chocolate chips through the dough, and scoop it on a tray.

Ash makes me add more chocolate, so I do.

Then, I pop those bitches in the oven at 180°c for 30 minutes, and now we wait.

While I wait, I get ready.

It's gotten late already.

Fridays go by fast.

I put on simple makeup, also something I haven't done in months of course.

I put on a pretty ass dress ash got me a little after we first met, and finally, after months, I felt pretty again.

My cookies were done.

I pull those fuckers out of the oven, while in a dress and makeup, and I feel like I'm in a commercial.

I walk to me and ash's room to hand him his fresh baked cookie.

"Hey beautiful." Ash says after while of staring at me.

"Here's your cookie" I say.

"Thanks" ash says, and he blushes.

"Better man up, cause everyone at that party is 5 years older than you." I say.

"Shut up, you look like a 20 year old too, in a good way."ash says.

"Really?" I ask.

"In a very, very good way."

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