Near death experience 2.

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fuck fuck fuck. what do i do?

whoever decided to shoot my windows and break in wasnt gonna grab a coke and leave.

I grab the parts of a medium sized gun.

Shooting can't be that hard, right? I've seen ash do it. I've seen it plenty in all of the movies.

Oh shit. I don't have any bullets. I know where they are. In ash his room.

His room in next door, and there's a corner in the hallway, meaning the intruders won't be able to see me when I run.

So I do it.

I run quickly but silently to his room and lock the door.

I walk to his desk, but decide to walk back to the door.

I unlock it.

Staying hidden in an unlocked room will make them think I'm not here, or no one's home.

If they see the door is locked, they'll know I'm in here and will complete empty their guns on every square inch of this place.

I grab the bullets out of his desk and hide under the bed. If they look under the bed, I'll shoot them right in the head, I think.

Two seconds after my gun is loaded, they enter.

I'm prepared as I can be. I have a gun. I'll live.


I look at their feet, since it's the only thing I can see. They're dressed unprofessionally.

They're definitely drug dealers.


That means they don't have any protocol to follow, and will shoot anyone they see.

Including me.

Shooting at their feet won't kill nobody.

So I wait.

After a long 6 seconds, they look under the bed.

One of them at least.

"Ayo o got one up he-" I shoot him in his head.

There's blood on me. On my face. On my clothes.

On my hands.

There's no going back now.

Back in the bathroom, I screwed a silencer on my gun. It's not silent, but silent enough.

So as long as there's no blood, no one's dead.

I peak under the door side of the bed, looking at the ceiling lamp.

I shoot it. It breaks.

The 3 men look away, and I have a window to escape.

I run.

On my way, I trip in the hallway over the towel I dropped before.

I quickly get up.

I look up and there's a man standing in front of me. I shoot him in the head as well.

No time to waste.

That still leaves 3

I feel terrible. I killing people.

I feared death for the past month and now I'm doing what I'm most afraid of.


I run to the kitchen, hoping I make it to the front door.

To escape. To be done.

But I hear shots.

Right behind me.

Then I remember something. Ash had left his m-16 on the kitchen counter for me as a first cleaning assignment.

I didn't know if it was loaded, but it was worth the try.

I run to the kitchen and grab the machine gun, which was still there. With a magazine in it.

Thank god.

It was loaded. I was sure.

With that gun, I might be able to kill all four of them.

I feel terrible thinking that. But I have to think this way in order to survive I guess.

I think I've made it further than most people would.

three weeks ago, I wouldn't have cared if I died. I was close to killing myself.

Now look at me.

A nearly suicidal orphan killing other people so I can live, when maybe I don't even want to.

They enter the kitchen.

I shoot the first one, and hide behind the counter.

Two left.

I'm crying. But I can't. I'll be too loud.

I get up and fight. I have to.

I shoot.

I hit someone, and get hit.

There were two guys left. One shot me in my left side, and the other one in my shoulder.

As I was being shot at, I shoot them in their heads.

It wasn't hard with a machine gun in one hand and an glock in the other.

My aim was better.


I'm coming home mom.

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