To do list.

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It's been a day since that scary moment.

I'm gonna be home alone doing some drug chores, and I'm loving it.

Me, ash and fez had a good convo about it, and we all like it if I do some shit around the house.

Today is going good so far.

I woke up next to ash, who was spooning me in his sleep, and got out of bed.

I grabbed one of his sweaters, a grey adidas one.

Now I'm making avocado toast. My mom dying had took a motivational toll on me, and I really wasn't motivated to do anything at all for about a week.

Now, I'm more motivated than ever.

That also make me and ash more... 'active' in our relationship iykyk....

I also barely cooked anything. I barely ate.

As in eating, cause I ate style wise.

Like hello? I look good as fuck. My booty is poppin.

Maybe a side effect of a relationship?


I hear ash getting out of bed.

As I put ice in my coffee and feel ash's hands on my hips.

"Morning to you too." He says.

I turn my head around and he gives me a kiss.

He's so cute.

"Uhh. Let me cook my eggs in peace." I say sarcastically.

"Whatever you wish." He says.

then it hit me.

I live in a drug dealers house, am a drug dealers girlfriend, and have 16 guns in reach all the time.

I need to know how to shoot with a gun, right?

To protect myself of course, I'm not planning and going all assassin mode.

"You good?" Ash asks me.

Again, I drifted off.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Okay." He says.

Gosh to live a boy who lets me think peacefully.

Judge me, but I never thought He'd be such a good boyfriend. Why? The guns.

The red flags are there, but they don't really marry to me.


I finish making my toast, and ash and fez are getting ready to go out.

I sit down at the salon table, and turn on the tv.

As I'm eating, ash walks up to the sofa.

He throws a note in my lap.

I swallow my bite, put down my toast, and look over at him.

"What's this for?" I ask him.

"All possible things for you to do all day." He says.

I open the post-it.

And oh my.

There's probably about 50 interesting things for me to do on the list.

It sound like slavery, but trust me, I'm happy with this.

I stand up from the couch and hug him.

"Thanks ash. Thanks so much."

A little later, after I've finished my breakfast and fez and ash are headed out the door, I open the note a second time.

I notice something I didn't see the first time. There's a clue.

"Further instructions are in the blue notebook on my desk." It said.

So, I rush to ash's room and look for the notebook.

I grab the notebook from his desk and open it.

It had full drawings and instructions on how to clean each gun he had, cleaning tips, recipes, a grocery list, drawing ideas, movie recommendations, money counting tips, usage tips, and many, may more shot for me to do.

All hand drawn and written by ash the other night.

It's so sweet that when I ask one thing of him, he gives me so incredibly much.

I start by cleaning the guns. I grab the notebook and walk over to the living room.

I take all the gun parts apart and individually wash them in the sink.

And then I dry them with my hairdryer.

As I'm putting the hairdryer back in the bathroom cabinet, I get an idea. I'll take a bath.

And so I do.

I take a bath, and do my full skincare routine, also something I haven't done since my mom died.

I feel better now.

As I'm wiping the exfoliator off my face, hear something. A gunshot. And another one. And more. And more.

Except from yesterday, I was now the only one in the house, and my guns were drying on a towel next to me.

I might kill someone in the next chapter lol.

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