"Bang bang, bitch"

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Me and ash walked outside. Jules stopped us on the way.

"Hey, are you guys going back already?" She asked.

"Yeah, too much happened in 40 minutes." I say.

"Let's go." Ash says.

As we're about to walk off the lawn, ash sees three men and fez standing across the street.

"Hey umm, you wait here, k?" He says.

"Drug deal?" I ask him.

"Probably. I don't know. Never seen their faces before."

"Kay. I'll wait on the couch." I say, and sit down on a couch in the people packed lawn.

Why is there always a random ass corner cough on the lawn at every party. It's weird. Not even a garden couch, no.

A fucking linen indoor corner couch with pillow and everything.

Don't let the property brothers see this, they'll probably lose their shit.

This house could use some brotherly help though, it's in a rough state.

I sit down. It's moist. Ew.

I look over at ash, who's walking across the street.

"Fez" I hear him say very faded.

I can't hear what else they're saying.

They look friendly I guess?

I never really know. There's drug dealers like ash, but also ones like mouse. I could name a few interactions that weren't all too friendly. 

Like my fucking assassination attempt.

Oh shit.

Before I knew it, one pulled out ANOTHER gun.

It's pointed at fez's stomach. And it's loaded.

I know that, because of the lessons ash gave me.

It's not just any gun. It's an uzi.

Don't know what and uzi is? It's basically a pistol sized machine gun.

It holds 36 bullets. And AK-47 holds 32 per magazine.

All 36 can be fired in 6 seconds, when the trigger is held consistently.

You don't play with those. Ash has 4 at home.

Two per person. The shooter usually has 1 in each hand.

Very popular in heists.

I like them, sure. But not aimed at MY BOYFRIENDS CHEST.

Yeah. One is pointed at ash as well.

Not again.

Not fucking again.

He looks over through all the partying people.

I can barely see anything.

I walk over to the sidewalk.

Then I remember something.

The gun, the gun we had at the party, ash's gun is hoven inside my rum-stained dress. It's still right above my ass.

I feel so fucking angry.

I'm excited.

Excited to kill the motherfuckers.

Ash looks at me and his eyes tell me not to shoot. But he thought me.

He knew my aim was good. 

I take my high heels off.

I run across the street with my gun in my right hand.

I aim, I run, and I shoot.

I hit.

But did I stip with one move of my index finger? No.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5....

I shoot multiple times in the same direction.

They shoot back, and don't hit me. I'm the one that hits.

Gotta be sure.

Ones dead. He all bloody around the face.

The other two? Badly injured.

They both dropped their guns.

I was faster then their uzis.

Ash picked one up, he shoved the other one to me.

My magazine was empty. He knew.

The uzi still had a good ten rounds left, so I emptied those on their faces, till I heard no more breathing.

Out of breath, bare feet and rum-stained, I tossed the gun on the street.

"Bang bang bitch." I say.

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