Bloody nose.

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Ash moves his hand further up my thigh, nearly touching my butt.


He knows what he's doing. Does he have experience? I don't think so. With who would he have any.

He a little anti social, so I think it's unlikely.

I'm sitting on his lap, facing him.

My arms are around his neck, with a blunt in my hand.

Our foreheads and the tips of our noses are touching each other.

I back away to take a hit from my joint.

I feel powerful. He's just sitting there, admiring me.

"What's the time" ash asks.

"01:24" I say.

"Maybe we should head home, to our own bed" ash proposes.

"Aren't we too high and drunk to drive?" I wonder out loud.

"We could walk"

"Too slow"

"We could steal bikes"

" im not riding a bike in this dress"

"Why not?"

"Its expensive"

"Fair enough. Let's walk" ash says.

I get up from the bed and ash follows.

I try to walk out of the room, but I trip instead.

I fall on the non-carpeted wooden floor, face first.

"Shit" ash picks me up.

"You good?" He asks.

I turn my face to him, and he looks terrified.

"Your nose Quinn, it's bleeding all over your dress.." he says, trying to stop the bleeding.

Fuck. I loved this dress. Luckily, I know how to get bloodstains out of everything.

I mean, I've killed four people, and I've lost the kill count of my boyfriend.

Bottom line, in our household, there's a lot of bodies, blood and only one person who knows how to clean it up. Me.

"Kitchen!" I say, trying not to splatter blood all over my boyfriend.

We rush down to the kitchen to get a napkin.

After we got one, ash yells at a random dude to get out of a chair and sits me down.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. I don't think it's safe I drive.." I say.

"I'll call us an Uber" ash says.

"Thanks so mu-"

Fuck. The gun. It's gone.

I must've lost it when I fell.

"Ash. The gun. It's not in my panties anymore"

"Fuck" ash says, and he runs upstairs.

I follow, but I get stopped by Jules.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks.

"No hi I'm really sorry it's kind of an emergency I'm sorry I have to go!" I stumble as I'm walking to the stairs, holding my nose.

"Ash!" I scream.

"Is it here?!"

I meet him halfway down the hallway.



"Hey hey hey. It's gonna be fine. Don't worry"

"We have plenty of firearms at home, so can we please just get the fuck out before one of us gets hurt!?" I ask.

"Of course" he says, and we head once again, back downstairs.

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