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I'm ready to die.

But ash isn't.

He's gonna get home, and I'll be dead on the floor.

Leaking. Amongst 5 other dead men scattered around the house.

My phone. It's on the little table next to the sofa. About 15 feet away.

Mind you, I'm bleeding out.

And who knew if ash would even pick up.

I can't call 9-1-1. They'll put me, ash ,and fez in jail.

I think I'll have about 3 minutes left to function, 5 with a heartbeat. I'll be dead in a lunch break.

I struggle to make my way to the phone, but I do. After about a minute of bleeding and struggling, I unlock the damn thing.

Give me a break. My shoulder is practically gone.

I call ash.

Just imagine.

Bleeding out in your living room with two bullet holes in you, calling your boyfriend to come home and take you to a hospital, and the phones like 'beep......beep.....beep' fucking insane.

He picks up.

"What's up darlin?" He says.

We almost never call.

I laugh. I'm so happy to hear his voice.

"Ash baby you gotta get home okay, like right now."

"What? Why? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" He asks.

"No. I'm not okay, I got shot in my upper leg and shoulder. 5 armed men intruded the... the house and.... I killed all..." is all I say before I faint.

The phone falls in a pool of blood and the door opens.

-Ash's pov-

The fuck? What happened?

I have to get home.

Thank fucking god me and fez was already at the house, bout to enter.

So we did.

We enter the house and all I see is Quinn on the floor, next to the phone.

Blood. Holy Christ there's so much blood.

I also nearly faint.

I pick her up, she's still breathing but not for long.

It also didn't take long for me to be covered in her blood.

Fez got the car keys and we drove to the hospital.

First aid kit. |ASHTRAY|Where stories live. Discover now