Chapter 18 - Option

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Waking up again as every other single day, i yawned and saw that i wasn't the first one up. Welp, he isn't much of a sleeper. I did my morning stuff and headed to the living room. Of course, he stayed up playing games again. Energy drinks around him along with empty stims. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I made it and brought it to the table. I went over to Tavi and informed him that breakfast was ready. He took off his headset and happily jogged to the table.

" Say, ready for today's game!?" He asks.

" Not really, legs cramping from all the running and walking from yesterday, but ill be fine."

" Luckily mine got blown off" he jokes as he eats.

I roll my eyes and eat, tomorrow is the day that the cash is due. Just hope that Tae ( crypto ) finds the location quickly. We had finished our food, i washed the dishes, It was 10:37 , the game starts at 3:00 we had time to spare before the game. Usually we go out to the firing range but today, we decided to check out the beautiful garden i saw when i first arrived.

" So, what kind of flowers do you prefer?"

" Oh me!? I'm not sure. Only type of flower i know about are roses and daisies. That's much about it. "

" Hm. " He stops for a moment and looks around. He heads over to some flower and cuts it, he comes back and shows me it. "This is a Peony, it comes in different colors, it beautiful like you, smells admirable como tu , and it's unique. Just like you are to my heart."

I recieve the flower and smell it. It smelled so, admirable! " It sure does smell amazing! It's called a what again?"

" Uhh.. lemme go check!" He rushed back to where he found it and I followed behind. " It's called a Peony!" I looked at what he was reading and it was the description of the flower!? He sounded like a flower expert a bit back but it's worth a shot. I really didn't care if he was one or not, but recieving a flower from him made my heart melt awe. We were joking around and looking at the wired and pretty plants all around. It seemed boring to Tavi as we kept looking. But he surely didn't wanna stop, just for me he slows down. I smile to the thought of him being like this only with me.

" Seems like this is bori-ing you huh?"

" What!? Pfft. No... Maybe a little?" He awkwardly says.

I look at the time and we had about an hour or so before the match begins. I think of so mething exciting for us to do that we both will enjoy, but mostly him. I think for a bit with the flower in my hand, and idea suddenly appears into my braincells.

" Hay! You never showed me your amazing stunts before! I wanna see how daredevily you can be!" I lovingly nudge him and he lightens up.

He quickly and softly grabs me from the hand and takes me to his motorcycle. I jumped on and he did too. He turned the motor on and taunted me with the bike, he grabbed my hands and placed them on his waist. " Hold on preciosa."

I held on to him and when I did he zoomed us fast. Was he gonna do a stunt with me in it!? I looked behind and a wheel marking was left behind. Uh oh.

He zoomed us to, I don't know where. It didn't take much time to arrive at such speed. He stopped the bike and we arrived somewhere. I looked at the place and it was a stunt acting place!? There where these weird thing you can do tricks off of.

" These is where I train, well trained."

I get off the bike and I look around. This place was filled with lots of dirt, it was of course outside and stuff. I was semi admiring the place when I suddenly heard the motor make vroom and ready to go type of noises. I looked at Tavi who was still on it. We was lined up at the front of a stunt board or whatever it was. He went straight at a fast speed and he flew up in the air. He let go of his bike which scared the absolute crap outa me. He did a weird looking flip mid air and catched his bike before riding down the other stunt board looking thing. Those stunt boards were huge!

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