chapter 24 - Wonder

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" You think that I , sound like him!?" He asks.
" It's pretty cool huh?" He compliments himself.

" Sounds amazing. Welp looks like we aren't landing fragment I suppose." I mean he would of landed there right? All the sweats do.

" Mierda!" He cusses. " We'll let's go here then, further away from the players."

" Hmm, that's odd, why didn't you want to hot drop?" I would have.

" Hot drop? Me? Pfttt nah, unless I'm playing ranked I will for sure hot drop. I'm just here to have fun. Maybe even meet new people." 

" And I thought octane mains are the ones to be all crazy and all within the game, be loot goblins, hot drop, stim into battle to be the first one dead and such things, Y'know?" 

"Hah, nope, not me, I'm an all season pred. Occasionally I would--- but not in 'pubs' like you people call it.  "

" Damn, and ouch." I couldn't tell if he meant that in an offensive way or not but I completely forgot about it as soon as we landed. Of course the octane rushed first in to a building to loot. Can't blame him. Octane is one hella of a fun character.

" Say, don't you main me-" he asked a question but quickly ended it. Trying to hide the fact that he spoke something completely weird.

I play along and mess around with him. " Huh? You? Sweetie, I don't believe there is a Legend named 'me' of some sort, unless you're a dev who'd just told me about an unreleased legend." I laugh.

" My mistake, I meant. . .  you know what never mind. " 

" Awee, did I piss off the Octane?"

" Nope, I'm all fine! Also quick question." Before I could say yes? he advanced on and cut me off. " Would you like to win this game or goof off? I'm down for either. "

I mean yeah winning the game is always my top goal every match, with octane. Ash really isn't the character I tend to play and win with, but winning a first game on her doesn't sound like a bad idea . " Let's get this win "

The remaining time of the game went along like dragging a hand across wood, it's smooth then suddenly you get hit with a splinter. But he managed to get rid of the splinter within seconds.

He rocked their game and sent the players to the lobby withing seconds. Glad he's on my side. I would insta rage if someone like that came stim first to me. but hey, what else could I have expected from an all season pred? Jeez get a job or even a life!

Well in the end we ended up winning the whole game, he finished with 17 kills and 5k damage, I ended up with only 3 kills and 957 damage. not bad for a first go at ash.

I thought for a few seconds, should I send a friend request to this stranger ? But at the same time no one has been so talkative in any match of mine for the past months. So I said Fuck It

" Hey let me add you real quick. I had fun playing with you "

" Yauch, I don't accept friend requests. Lend me your number so we can keep in touch." 

Suspiciously I do, but Instead I give him my work number, nothing wrong in being cautious. " Oh uhm, sure. " 

We ended up exchanging numbers. Right before the dumb game shoved me into the lobby. I got a call right after. well that's odd.

" Hello?" I answer.

" Is this [ Your gamer tag]? " Ain't no way this man quickly put my number in his phone that quickly. But at the same time Jesus ! That voice is just something to die for.

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