Chapter 16 - The News

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Tomorrows sunshine arrived, i woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I sat up and looked around.

" I guess we must of slept here." I yawn and stretch. While stretching i hear Tavi's ringtone go off. I search his pockets for it and i find it. It was Ajay. I answered it.

" What happened!?"

" You and Silva need to come to this location as fast as posible! I'll send it to you! These are some important news."

" Be there as fast as posible."

The call ends, i wake up Tavi and tell him about it. We arrived at the location. It was a house, not too big and not too small. I nocked.

" Hey Ajay we arrived."

The door snatches open, Natalie apears and drags me in along with Tavi. She closes the door and tells us to follow her. I looked over at Tavi in woryness, he seemed awkward as we followed her. I held his hand and that seemed to have calmed him down a bit.

We arrived in a weird technology room with lots of computers and wires and more. Tae ( crypto) was in the room along with Ajay.

" Good, ya made it." - Ajay

" What's the important news?" I ask.

" We found where your family might be held in."

" Really!?"

" Not the exact location, take a look. " Tae turns a computer over so I can see. There was this red circle, it circled around islands. " They could be on any of these islands."

" I tried to lower down the security system of the phone as much i can. We couldn't get a decent scan of the exact location since it was a pastence call. We need to track when you're on the line with them." - Natalie

" Here, take it back. I don't need it anymore, i will try to figure this out a bit more." Tae says while handing me back my phone.

" Whenever you get a call from them quickly contact us. Keep them busy while we get to you." - Natalie

" I'll try, he's the one who always ends the calls withought any warning." I say.

" Then try." Tae says as he types in his computer.

" Well try your best [y/n]. Have faith." Natalie says in her sweet voice, she gives me a hug. I kinda wanted to back off but... It didn't feel right to do, I gave in and hugged back.

" Thank you for helping me out Natalie, and you too Tae, this means a lot."

" Didn't i tell you before? I will always be here to help." Natalie, oh Natalie. You sure are a nice sweet girl.

" Don't mention it, I'm just doing it for the free research on D.O.C. "

" D.O.C?" I look at Ajay.

" Only way to convince tha guy, he really wants to know on how D.O.C works, i don't mind at all." I nod in understanding. " Natalie took no convincing, she likes to help in general" Natalie looks at me and Tavi, she nods and smiles while clapping her hands bouncing up and down in joy.

" Can you guys please leave my house now?" Tae asks politely.

" Oi" - Natalie

" Sure." I say

" Okey" - Ajay

" Not you Natalie, you can stay." Tae says.

" Oh! Okay crypto" she cutely giggles and takes a seat.

The three of us leave the house.

" Does Nat know?" Tavi ask shyly.

" No, at least not yet. But I've noticed something between her and crypto. I think she likes him."

Tavi takes out a sigh of relief and goes back to his energetic self." So! Wanna hang out with us Che!?" He jogs in place in excitement.

" Where? if [y/n] allows me to go"

" I don't mind you coming with us. But where to?" I say.

" Well about a week ago i read on my phone that there will be a carnival just 20 to 30 minutes from here. Let's go now!" He jumps up runs a lap around me and Ajay.

" Chill down Silva" she stops Tavi from running, she smells him. " You smells like you just got out of a swamp, ya need to get yourself smelling good, not bad." She pauses for a bit. " And you too [y/n], get home and take a shower, da both of yah. Not trying to be mean or anything. Call me when y'all ready and I'll pick you guys up." She hops on her jeep and waves bye. We wave bye to her and we head to the motorcycle.

Tavi smells himself and his shirt. " Do I really smell bad?" He continues to sniff. " Babe can you smell me? I think Che is exaggerating." He shows me his shirt from the collar.

I go over to him and I try to give it a sniff. Quickly he bends to my level and gives me a peck. He lifts up his goggles," Haha, gotcha nena." He says with a wink.

" Agh. Really!?"

"Claro que si. I'll take my chances." He smirks and puts his mask back up but keeps his goggles resting on his forehead revealing his beautiful hazel eyes. My heart raises, his words made me feel unique. He takes my hand and guides me to the motorcycle.i hop on the back and hug him by the waist, resting my head on his back, I could hear is heartbeat. Full of energy and excitement.

We arived home. We prepared ourself and called Ajay. She arrived as she said she would. She took us to the carnival and we had a blast!


Natalie POV ( ⚠️ crypto x wattson ⚠️ )

"Hey crypto"


" By any chance are you..." I fidget with my fingers nervously. " Erm.. nevermind!" I say cutely. He chuckled and continues his duty.

" Could you help me out with this weird out of code mess?" He shows me his computer and codings are all over the screen.

" Oh those! Sure!" I come near him and i start typing in the missing info. " All done!" I smile at him and he smiles back but quickly snaps back into himself and takes over the computer.

" Thank you."

" You're welcome!" The room stays quiet for a few seconds. " Hey, I'm wondering." I sit back in my stool and face him. " Why did you want me to stay?"

He stops typing for a sec and hides cutely behind his screen. " I've been feeling lonely for a bit. Just wanted sum joy by my side for a bit while i work."

" Aww. So you're saying that I , Wattson Paquette , is your little joy!?" I ask in excitement. I look at him straight in his eyes dazing onto them waiting for an answer.

He turns red and chokes on his words. " I mean.. erm. Y-you are a n-nice and j-joyful person to be around w-with."

" Jiji. You just sounded like mirage!"

" No such thing!"

" Jiji. Yes you did."

" Like that idiot!? Hah. You wish."

" Hmm. Nah! You defo talked like him..... It was kinda adorable."

Tae stays still for a bit and tries to process what he just heard. I wait for him to un-still. He snaps back and continues on his computer. Heh. Such a nice guy he is.

I know!!!! I haven't posted in a while ugh. I've been busy lately. And welp almost nun of my readers even read the new episodes 😆. But i still decided to continue. We're close to the end. Maybe like 3-4 more episodes and this story is done. Also I'm so close to 1k kills with octane!! ;

[ Word count 1257]

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