Chapter 19 - Worth A Shot

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Renne nods at my answer as I look at her. She starts to do her job as we ready for whatever will lead behind the portal. She creates a portal and says, " stay here, I will connect the other side to the exact place." She enters and we wait. Wattson then quickly asks Tae ( Crypto ) if she can quickly hack into the security system to shut it off for a while. He gives it to her, she starts doing so.

" Wait! Wouldn't there be armed men? I mean, they're holding the hostage, so there must be some sort of defense. " Ajay says.

" You right. I didn't think of that! "

" What now then? Do we just go in there and wish for the best? " - Tavi

" Suppose so. . . Think of it as the game, you land at Fragment in worlds edge and can't find a gun, so you try to survive. "

" But here we can actually die [Y/N]. " - Ajay

" You guys don't have to come but I will go in there for my family. "

" Did someone say family?" Dom Toretto cam behind a tree. Everyone looks at him in wtf.

" Aye man! Wassup! Big fan but, this is a Wattpad, wrong place man" - Tavi

He leaves. Anyways back to the story.

Renee comes out of the portal. "Quick! You have a minute!"

" Cya!" [Y/N] runs and jumps backwards to enter the portal.

Octavio runs close to the portal and tries to grab you but failed. " Mierda! " He cusses. He backs off the portal and looks at everyone else. He looks at the floor, he does a few hops before turning around, he pops a stim and runs straight for the portal.

You arrive at the place and see someone holding your family hostage, gladly the man was facing it's back from the portal. Your family sees you; they start screaming and hyping up with their mumbles, they were tied from arms to legs and in their mouths where cloths which provoked them prom speaking. You held up a finger up to your mouth to indicate to be quiet. and they did. The room was a mess filled with boxes and trash all around. Perfect for hiding. Suddenly the portal brought someone else in. It was Octavio. He stood up and was about to speak " Gotta-" You grabbed him and brought him to crouch level. You showed him the sign to shush, and he did.

You crawled your way around the boxes for cover as you headed to the man. You arrived and tried to knock him out, but you heard another voice come. You were at a door opening and he was on the other side blocking the way in and out. You hid behind the wall hoping they wouldn't see you. They started speaking and more stuff. Calmed down with stress you signal to Octavio to start untying your family. It took a few seconds for him to understand what you were trying to say. Finally, he understood, and he did as told. The men were speaking something about the dept money, what they would do with it and more. You were in charge of making sure they don't see what was happening behind them.

Suddenly Renee came out of the portal and yelled, " You have 30 seconds left!" This alerted the men and they sticked out their guns pointing to Octavio, he held his hands up as if getting arrested. Quickly Renee yelled " Take them to the portal, I'll take care of these guys. She phased and went towards them beating them up. More and more men came around corners to back up their men. While she was holding them off you started helping out Octavio by untying them. Renee yelled out " 15 seconds left! " The youngest child was the only one still tied. Octavio picked him up and headed to the portal. " C'mon let's go!"

" Follow him!" You yelled out before running away to help out Renee. " [Y/N]! " He yelled out as soon as he entered the portal seeing you heading the opposite way. You found Renee fighting and struggling to fight them off. " Renee, Lets go now! " Suddenly you felt a sharp pain at the side of your stomach you looked at it and saw that you've been shot at severely. " NO! " Renee yelled as she ran towards you, she grabbed you and phased away with you in her arms towards the portal. Both of you entered and the portal closed. Renee looked behind her and saw the portal disappearing right behind her. She held you in tight making sure she doesn't let go.

the two of you arrived at the other side of the portal, your head was heated up and everything was going blurry. " She's been shot!" Renee yells out. Quickly Ajay runs to the both of you she quickly inspects you. " We need to take her to my house now!" Renee put your arm around her neck for better support and so did Ajay. They both headed to her jeep, " Tae you drive! Natalie help me with keeping pressure on the wound! And you two stay here, Renee when your portal is ready take everyone to my home!"

" Got it!"

" Is she going to be okay!?" - Tavi

" Yes, she will." She said before Tae drove the jeep away towards Ajay's home.

As soon as you two arrived Ajay called D.O.C to bring the medic bed. " You're going to be okay!' she tells you, but your hearing isn't the best, it felt like blood was circulating inside your ears. making the hearing wobbly. D.O.C brought the bed and they placed you on it. quickly she took you to a medical room. Luckily Kairi and Loba weren't home, the game was still on progress. as soon as she got you inside the room you passed out from the pain. She quickly and steady moved to help you out.

Renee's portal regenerated and she created it to go to Ajay's home. They all quickly went in, but the first one inside was Octavio. He sprinted out the portal and ran inside Ajay's house. He knew the only place you could be, he rushed over but Natalie and Tae were blocking the way. " Let me through I need to see her!"

" Sorry, Ajay needs time to work. You know it's the best to let her work. Let her work." Natalie suggested.

Octavio nodded and impatiently walked over to the living room he sat down, he started to impatiently move his leg up and down as he looked at the floor. Your mom cautiously approached him and asked, " how's she doing?" in Spanish.

{ In Spanish}

" Is she in great hands?" your dad asked.

" She is with the best doctor in the Outlands."

" Outlands? "

" You're in another planet." Renee says, as Octavio translates.

They both start explaining where they are right now. Time passed and Ajay came out of the medical room. Tae and Natalie asked how you were, " She is all better now, she just needs to rest, you can see her but try to not stress her out. " They both enter to see you. Ajay heads over to the living room and gives out the news. Everyone quickly heads over to the room except Renee. "You're not going?" Ajay asks.

" My fault she got shot at." She looks at the floor as she sighs.

" It's not your fault." she comforts her.

" How's she doing!?" Octavio yells as he barges through the door.

" Shh!" Natalie Shushes him. " She is doing fine, just has to rest."

Octavio came near you as you were sound asleep or well most likely passed out. He held one of your hands with his. Your family was the last to enter, they saw you and came towards you. Your mother started to cry, and your father was looking at you with worried eyes, your siblings where worried.

{In Spanish}

" How's she doing?"

" She will be alright. Just needs to rest for a while. You know, she's a strong fighter. I'm pretty sure she will handle this like she does with everything. She told me lots about you guys. This isn't the way to reunite a family back together. You haven't seen her for 5 years. but grandpa. . . yeah. . .  But I assure you she will recover fast." He holds your hand a bit tighter, wishing you well during your recovery.

[ Word Count 1444 ]

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