Chapter 30

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MiaAntonella: Dinner with the favs

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MiaAntonella: Dinner with the favs

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I always feel good inside whenever my father, sister and I do our weekly facetime call. Mateo definitely needs to make some time for those calls because we are on it for hours at a time, catching up on eachother's live.

"Why do you keep putting your phone down?" My dad asks as I grab my chicken salad from the fridge. "I want to see your pretty face."

"Awe dad." I feel my cheeks heat up as I adjust the position of my phone so they can see me sitting down at the table to eat. "I was in my closet getting changed hence why I couldn't come on camera but now I'm going to have some lunch."

"Where are you heading?" Maria grabs her curling wand and starts redoing the front pieces of her hair.

"I have a meeting in three hours so I'm going to spend about forty minutes lounging around the pool." I answer while adding some dressing to my salad. "What are you guys up to?"

"Watching some TV while I wait on Anabelle to finish up her yoga class." My dad adjusts the hat on his head. "I have some ADR to do later for SWAT then I may head down to the studio to shoot some stuff for ESPN."

"Nice." Maria runs a wide tooth comb through her curls as I continue to eat my salad which is so good. "I have a photoshoot in about thirty minutes so I'm just touching up my hair because I'm going out with Danny later."

I try not to laugh as my dad rolls his eyes.

"You need to break up with that guy." Dad tells Maria who purses her lips. "That man is holding you back and is the reason why I don't get to see you as much."


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"I'm just saying." My dad shrugs his shoulders. "Don't you find it weird that he never attends any of our gatherings, parties or events? Steph is barely part of the family yet he makes an effort to be there because he knows that it means something to Mia."

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