Chapter 10

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Celeblife: BREAKING NEWS! Mia Antonella Ferguson has attempted suicide

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Celeblife: BREAKING NEWS! Mia Antonella Ferguson has attempted suicide. The family and friends of Mia have been said to be distraught over everything that has taken place over the course of the week. Mia has not been publicly spotted after being outed by Ayesha Curry. It has been reported that Mia has been staying with her brother, NBA star Mateo Ferguson who has not been attending any games. Mia is said to be doing badly and friends are unable to get through to her during this tough time. 


A week of death threats and insults was enough for me to break. 

I was being given sleeping tablets to get me to sleep at night and one day, I couldn't take it anymore. I took whatever was left in the bottle and I put it in my mouth. It wasn't easy trying to swallow all of it so I laid myself out in the bathtub and I allowed myself to get lost in it. It was taking too long for me so I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and proceeded to down it before I lost my footing. I hit my head on the toilet seat, it was enough to give me a concussion but it wasn't enough for me to bleed.

Unfortunately I had forgotten that I was staying at Mateo and Destiny's place and Destiny walked in on me attempting suicide. I know that it was a terrifying sight for her but she was so strong through it, she prayed for me and comforted me as we waited on the ambulance. She kept me awake even though I was fighting to sleep, I just wanted to leave this world.

The doctors later informed us that if she hadn't had been there a that time then I would not be here today. I couldn't even thank her for saving my life because I didn't want it saved. I had grown tired of this shell life that I was living. 

I couldn't go on my phone, laptop or even watch TV. The whole world was still talking about what went down and my silence made it a whole lot worse. From what I heard, Steph had refused to comment on it but Ayesha was still giving her input.

I know what I did was the worst of the worst but I will never forgive her for dragging this out. I lay on the sofa with my eyes closed, giving the impression that I was sleeping when really, I was listening. 

I could hear my father crying, he had done that a few times ever since I attempted to end my life.

"This has gone on for too long." My father mumbles. "We are losing our daughter, Greece. How are we supposed to win this?"

"I'm suing Ayesha Curry." My mother answers in an icy tone. "What she's done is despicable and she has shown herself to be an enabler to bullying. I'm currently working with Instagram to track down the IP addresses to those who have been sending death threats."

"Thousands." My father states. "Thousands of people."

"I'm gonna kill that bitch." My mom's tone gets even icier and I am surprised to hear her speak like this. "That stupid bitch has messed with the wrong family and I am going to take her down."

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