Chapter 17

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For the very first time, I did a photoshoot for a magazine with my mom and siblings. 

My mom quit the modelling industry a few years after I was born so we never got to be in the industry at the same time or do those mother and daughter shoots for magazines. We would do personal ones which we were never allowed to share but these days, I'm lucky to even get a picture with my mom.

We have now gotten to the interview portion and thankfully, we are allowed to interview eachother. I have so many questions that I would love to ask my my mom so hopefully a few will be written down.

 I have so many questions that I would love to ask my my mom so hopefully a few will be written down

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"Hi, I'm Mia Antonella Ferguson." I smile at the camera which then pans to my sister.

"Maria Adelina Ferguson."

"Mateo Amos Ferguson."

"I'm Greece Martinez and you're tuning into GQ." Our mom winks at the camera before giving her signature model face which has me looking at my sister with raised brows. My mom is a natural, I honestly don't know why she gave up this life.

"Which child checks up on you the most?" Mateo asks my mom while looking at her with a big smile as we all look at her.

"Surprise surprise." I lean forward as my mom speaks, "Mateo checks up on me the most and he actually visits me the most."

"That's why I'm the best." Mateo gives us a cocky smile and I roll my eyes before picking up my card.

I turn to face Mateo, "Who is your favourite sister and why?"

Our mom lets out a small chuckle.

"It better be me." Maria gives him a look while pursing her lips.

"It ain't that hard." Mateo winks at us. "If I was a sibling then I would pick myself."

"Mateo." My sister and I narrow our eyes at him.

"Fine fine." He raises his hands in surrender. "Mia."

"Damn, that hurt." Maria pretends to be hurt. "Why her?"

"Maria, you're too bossy." We all laugh at this. "Even though we are almost in our thirties, you stay bossing us around. Last week you made me go shopping with you just so I could carry your bags."

"I'm done." I begin to tear up because that is such a Maria thing to do. She once made me go Sephora with her so that I could carry her shit, I only did it because she paid for my stuff but it was still ALOT of bags.

"Whatever." Maria sticks her tongue at him as she picks up her card, "Mom, why did you give up modelling?"

"What a mood killer." Mateo whispers to me and I nod my head.

Our mom lets out a small laugh, "I did what I came to do. With every dream, you have certain goals that you set yourself and I achieved them all. After some time, I grew bored because my passion for modelling had come to an end."

"How long did you model for?" Mateo asks.

"I started modelling at the age of 14 and by the time I hit 19, I became an international model. I was gracing the cover of every magazine that there was and I was breaking barriers because I was the most ethnic looking model out there." My mom sighs. "I had Maria at 21 so I started slowing it down because Franco was doing exceptionally well in his career so I only modelled in the US. By the time I had Mia, I had already achieved everything that I wanted to achieve. When I was 28, I ended my modelling career and it was nice because it was the fourteenth year."

We continue to ask eachother a few more questions before wrapping up the interview.


I let out a loud squeal as my dad almost bumps me off the trail.

"DAD!" I scream at him as his laughter fills the air. It is seven in the morning and I made the mistake of going on a bike trail in the woods with my father. I forget that he is such an early bird because he has been filled with so much energy and it's pissing me off. 

My dad keeps riding off the trail then coming up behind me, scaring the shit out of me. Anytime I think of the woods, I think of bears and mountain lions so I'm already scared enough without my dad being a jokester.

I already had a go at him ten minutes ago because he bumped the back of my bike and I fell off.  Not only did I fall off but my bike fell on me a second later which really hurt.

"Let's race." He tells me as he pulls up besides me as I come to a stop.

"I'm wearing jeans." I argue.

"You're the one who wanted to get the cute instagram pictures, you got your pictures." He tells me with a raised brow. "I'm your father and I'm telling you that we are going to race."

Even though I am a grown woman who lives on my own, I still respect my father enough to follow his wishes. I know that my dad wishes he could spend more time with us and if this is what we are about to do then we're doing it.

"Give me a head start." I tell my dad as I take off my heels and put them in my basket. "Count to thirty."

"We are racing to that big tree

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"We are racing to that big tree." I nod my head as I start pedalling as fast as I can. I'm not really a bike person, I was always too shaky as a child so I rode a scooter instead.

As I'm nearing the tree, I feel a huge gust of air pass me by. It takes me a moment to realise that it is my father and my jaw drops as he reaches the tree before me.

"That's not fair." I tell him as I pull up besides him, three minutes later. "My bike is faulty."

"Or you're just too slow." He clicks his tongue at me. "Anyways, I need to know if things are serious between you and Kyrie."

"We're getting there." I rub my lips together. "Why?"

"Steph Curry."

I sigh. "I don't want to talk about Steph."

"Whatever you guys had going on, you need to figure it out." He gives me a look. "You are my daughter and I love you but you need to stop breaking these men's heart. When you leave a guy and go for his opponent or friend, it puts me in a difficult position."

"I know."

"If things don't work out with Kyrie, leave the basketballers alone." My dad looks me in the eyes. "You are too beautiful for all the mess that you get yourself into. You are a very smart business woman, focus on yourself and build yourself up so that you become unbreakable. I almost lost you and I don't want to go through that again."

"I'm sorry dad." I get off my bike to hug him. "I'll do better."

"Do better for yourself, this isn't about me." He caresses my face. "This is about you, Mia Antonella Ferguson."

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