Chapter 2

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Steven pulls me in for a warm bear hug which makes me smile as I breathe in his scent.

"I've missed you." I tell him and he stiffens.

"I've missed you too." He responds as he pulls away from me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I look at him with hopeful eyes and he sighs while looking down at me. 

"Mia, why are you here?" I furrow my brows at him, "I thought we agreed that you showing up unannounced wasn't going to work out. I know that we agreed to be friends but I can't just have you popping up whenever you like."

"I really miss you." I confess as I hold his hands in mine, "I need you, Steven."

He pulls his hands out of mine and I pout at him, "We gave it a try. God, as much as it pains me to say this but we can't Mia."

I ignore his words as I pull him in for a passionate kiss. I do love Steven, I really do and I really wish that the circumstances had been different between us. I'm not the type of girl that ditches the good guy for the bad guy, I simply didn't want to move to a different state. 

I have spent my whole life bouncing between different states due to my parent's job and now I have finally settled in Bel Air. I travel a lot for my work so coming back to my home gives me a sense of peace and stability.

Steven delicately places his hands around my waist and pushes me back, detaching our lips. 

"We can't keep doing this." He mumbles with his eyes closed. "You hurt me, Mia. I can't have you doing that again, I just can't."


MiaAntonella: Supplying you with a weekly dose of my mom aka #GreeceMartinez

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MiaAntonella: Supplying you with a weekly dose of my mom aka #GreeceMartinez


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MateoFerg: Next time pick a pic with more clothes on !

FrancoFerg: Most beautiful woman alive


I thought about Steven all night. I assumed that he would have came back with me to my hotel but he rejected me and it was a huge blow to my ego. I know what hurt Steven more is that I got into a relationship with Ben Simmons not long after. I'm not the type of woman who likes to remain single and I knew that Steven wasn't going to take me back so I moved on. 

Many people said that I upgraded but Ben wasn't all that. He was amazing in bed and he has a dope personality but there was no real chemistry between us. Even though we was officially dating for four months, our relationship was practically over by the second month. I was working for the last two so I waited until I saw him in person before I ended the relationship.

Mia AntonellaWhere stories live. Discover now