Chapter 12

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"It has been a while since we last saw you

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"It has been a while since we last saw you." I nod my head. "We have been receiving updates from your brother on your health but he has kept it pretty vague. We are all wanting to how you are."

"If you had asked me a month ago then I would have burst into tears but today, I'm actually ok." I smile while biting my lip and I blink back tears that are trying to surface. "I won't say that I am a hundred percent there but I'm better."

Ellen places her hand over mine, "We are so glad to hear that. A lot of us were worried because we had received no news on how you were doing as of late."

"I know." I shrug my shoulders. "I needed my time away from the public and I needed to put that energy back into myself."

"Talk us through what happened." Ellen hands me a tissue which makes me chuckle as a lone tear slides down my face.

"Steph Curry and I have been friends for the longest time. I will admit that I was attracted to him and I had previously flirted with him but I stopped once he informed me that he was married. I was ok with that and I settled with being friends with him but also being respectful to his wife."

"Ayesha Curry." Ellen adds and I nod my head.

"Yes. We had never kissed or flirted after that moment because I knew that he was married and I would never go for someone who is taken. I had Steph over at my house because we have this ritual where we watch WWE shows together. Usually we have a few other guys with us but on this day, they were all busy and I didn't know when I would next have a free day so we went through with it." I sniffle. "We started play fighting and next thing I know, we are on the ground with me on top of him."

A few people make a sound.

"In the heat of the moment, we kissed. It wasn't a one sided thing, we both participated in it and we both acknowledged that it was wrong of us." I sigh. "Steph left shortly afterwards and I made a mental note to talk to Ayesha the very next day because it was quite late and I didn't want to disturb their household."

I dab under my eyes with the tissue.

"The morning after, I worked out then I made plans to head over to their home." I shake my head. "My phone was blowing up, just when I was about to leave, I checked my phone. I have never been so horrified by what I saw, so much hate and so many death threats. People who were once my friends were slandering me online and Ayesha had so much to say."

"What did you do in that moment?"

"I broke down." A few tears fall from my eyes and I quickly wipe them away. "I shut down completely. I had spent a little over an hour reading the articles that had been written and the comments that were posted on my pictures. An hour is a very long time and you can read hundreds of comments, I was torturing myself. I couldn't function, I wasn't answering any calls or emails."

"Who was the first person to get to you?"

"My bestfriend Tiffany was the first to reach me because she lives nearby." I scoff. "I felt so stupid and weak. I didn't want to feel it but I did because I was at fault for kissing Stephen but he too was at fault for kissing back. I can take my blame but I can't take his and the whole world had put the blame on me. With Ayesha making her comments, my name was being dragged for filth. You would think that I slept with him for months with the way that people were treating me."

"That's the sad side about this story." Ellen shakes her head.

"A week went by and things were just too much. I couldn't even use any electronics because my name was everywhere." I sigh sadly.

"I tried to reach out to you but I couldn't get through."

"My dad had taken my phone while my mom was dealing with the legal side of things." I explain with a shrug. "I'm grateful to my dad for doing that because I was really going through it."

Silence falls between us for a moment.

"How did it feel for you to have your mother speak out publicly after keeping quiet for ten years?" Ellen asks and I close my eyes for a moment.

"It was really weird because she doesn't do interviews or anything of that nature anymore." I chew on the inside of my cheek. "I... I love my mom so much and although I don't approve of her previous decisions, I'm hurt that she was forced to come out because of something like this."

My voice cracks and I shake my head, indicating that I want Ellen to move on.

"You attempted suicide." I nod my head. "When did you... What... When did it get too much for you?"

"It was always too much. I even started receiving hate mail to my PO box and I was losing business partners. One kiss had ruined my life and nobody cared for my side of things. Nobody wanted to blame the male for his part in things, I was the 'whore' who couldn't keep her legs shut." I let out a short laugh. "I was tired, Ellen. I was tired of what my life had become, I became a vessel without a soul. I was nothing and I was nobody but what I was, was tired."

I talk a little about Destiny and Maria who saved my life before we go to break. Once we are back on air, I give a message about finding peace and happiness before Ellen makes a speech on being kind.


MiaAntonella: Finding peace and happiness with myself

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MiaAntonella: Finding peace and happiness with myself. I can apologise for kissing Stephen but I will not accept full responsibility for what went down. We did not sleep together, we did not have an affair but we did share a kiss on that one occasion. @AyeshaCurry I am truly sorry for kissing your husband and I wish that you would have waited for me. I wish that you would have reached out to me instead of turning to social media and I wish that you didn't condone the bullying. I attempted suicide which isn't the answer but I am stronger now. I will not let any of you bully or try to intimidate me. My page is now on private and I am blocking everyone who had something negative to say. A legal investigation is on the way for those who sent death threats. To my 'friends' who slandered my name online, you have hurt me in ways that I can't forget. 

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