Chapter 7

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MiaAntonella: The Off Camera Show

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MiaAntonella: The Off Camera Show.

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"You have done so much with your career and you simply exceeded all expectations by building a name for yourself

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"You have done so much with your career and you simply exceeded all expectations by building a name for yourself." I nod my head. "Yet a lot of people focus on your love life. Why do you think that is?"

I chuckle at the question, "I'll be completely honest, I don't know why my love life is such a big deal. I do acknowledge that I only date basketball players and they tend to be the more high profiled players. I can see why I get media attention for that but I don't know why people are so fascinated by it. You have women like Kendall Jenner or Khloe Kardashian who also date plenty of basketballers but they don't get the same attention that I do. I can't even go out with a friend without it making the headlines the very next day."

"When did you decide that you were only going to date basketball players?" Sam asks.

"I think I always knew because a lot of my male friends are basketballers, my father was in the NBA and my brother currently plays for the Golden State Warriors. Growing up, I was a daddy's girl who used to always attend as many games as I could. I grew up being surrounded by basketballers, I wasn't really exposed to males outside of the sports industry until I started filming telenovelas and attending events and parties." I smile. "I feel safe in that community which is another reason why I only date basketballers. They are the only men that I truly know and I say that from experience. I have been on a few dates with people outside of the industry and they have tried to tear me down."

"With that being said, do you see yourself settling down with a basketballer?" I give Sam a look. "I say this because people usually date people that they consider their type then marry somebody who is the complete opposite."

I laugh.

"I get that." I smile at him. "I do see myself settling down with a basketballer."

"How tall are you exactly?"

I let out a loud laugh, "Random but very good question. I don't know how tall people think I am but I come from a very tall family. My father is six foot six, my mother is five foot eight, Maria is five foot nine and Mateo is six foot three. I currently stand at five foot nine so it does make it more convenient for me to be with someone taller."

I let out small laugh. "My family and I have our homes designed a lot differently from the average person since we are a tall family. Everything just sits higher, we have high ceilings and are doors are literally 7 to 8 feet tall." 

"Wow." Sam chuckles as he looks at me in amazement. "What has been the dark side of this life?"

"The dark side to fame is that there really is no privacy. I can get into an argument or cry and it makes headlines that very day. Any emotion that I feel is heightened because of who I am. It's hard because it affects my personal life." I look down at my hands. "I'm in the media alot and not everybody is comfortable being in front of the camera so there are a lot of people who I don't see as much because they don't want to be documented or seen."

"Like your mother."

"Yeah." I bite my lower lip. "My mother was a supermodel who decided to take a step back from this life a few years after I was born. When a parent decides to do that, it is really difficult because they end up missing out on so much. I grew into this life because of my name and because I was always with my father. There were times when my mother would attend events but then she changed and I didn't like that. I didn't like the fact that she wouldn't come out with us. If I wanted to attend my dad's game, I would have my grandparents take me. A lot of memories that I look back on, my mother is not present there."

"How did it affect your relationship?"

"It affected it tremendously. There were occasions where we would fight and I would not see her for another six months or even a year. With my acting career, it's taking me all over the world so when I am back home, I would like to spend some time with you outside of your home. Unfortunately I will be spotted and that's a problem for her. That alone was enough to affect my parent's relationship and it ended up deteriorating because times when my father needed my mother, she just wasn't there." 

I sigh deeply. "I have had some big moments in my fashion, acting and singing career. My mother was not present for any of those moments, I would have to relay everything back to her and it just never felt the same so I stopped telling her about these moments."

I sniffle.

"I don't want to talk badly on my mother but because she wanted to disappear and be off the grid, it affected us a lot as a family." He hands me a tissue which I gratefully take. "I started living with my father because everything became too restrictive in my mother's household. I don't really feel as if I grew up with a mom and that sucks to say but it's true. I feel like she's more of a distant aunt and I do try to give her the benefit of the doubt by being more understanding but something's got to give."  

"Something does." He nods his head in agreement. "As a parent, you want to be there for your child's successes. That's why a lot of parents have children young because they want to be there for their child and experience it all."

"Exactly which is why I couldn't understand why she couldn't come out for a day or something." I shake my head while thinking of my mother.

"A lot people are curious to know why you don't play basketball?" 

"I know how to play the sport and I am pretty good at it." I giggle. "I just wouldn't be able to commit to it like the other players do and I hate getting hurt. Too many players get injured and I have witnessed my dad getting hurt on numerous occasions, that life is not for me."

"So, what is next for you?"

"I'm thinking of taking a break away from acting to really focus on my life here. I have a movie to shoot at the end of the year so until then, I am keeping that schedule clear. I have a new collection for The Antonella coming out next month which I am really excited about since I kind of pushed my business to the side for my acting career." I pull a face.

"Could we be expecting an album?" He asks and I laugh.

"I'm not sure. I love just releasing music without the commitment, I just wouldn't have the time to tour the world with my music so I don't think so but that could change." I shrug my shoulders. "Thank you for having me."

"It was great to have you on."

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