Chapter 1

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MiaAntonella: Another telenovela on the way #AngelsFromTheSky

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MiaAntonella: Another telenovela on the way #AngelsFromTheSky

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I smile at a few screaming fans as I walk past them with my bestfriend Tiffany, completing ignoring the fact that the paparazzi are calling me all types of names.




"I can't even get offended anymore." I let out a small laugh and Tiffany throws her arm over my shoulder as we enter the stadium. We are assigned a security guard before we are led down the corridor.

Having paparazzi call me out of name isn't hurtful, I've been getting shit from them for over five years and I learned to live through it.

I'm not going to let them distract me from the fact that Tiffany and I are at a NBA game, preparing to watch the Thunders go up against the Bulls. Tiffany didn't really want to come tonight since she has an and off situationship going on with Chris Paul but I really wanted to see Steven Adams since I miss that guy. We are not dating again but we are still good friends, he is literally a friendly giant who has helped me through many events in my life. 

"She's here again

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"She's here again." I roll my eyes at the woman who is staring me down. Let me tell you, there are a lot of heffas running around on this earth who seem to think that their opinion matters to me. None of them are even on my level so I really couldn't give a shit about them.

"I can't believe you brought me here." Tiffany whines as we get seated in our front row seats.

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes as I pull out my phone to take a picture for instagram. "You're acting as if I never saw you liking Paul's instagram pictures."

"He's back with Jada again." Tiffany sighs as she takes a picture of the basketball court. She flips the camera so that it is facing us and we both pose for the selfie before she posts it on her instagram story.

Mia AntonellaWhere stories live. Discover now