Chapter 16

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"It was beautiful, you were beautiful." Kyrie tells me before capturing my lips in his. I close my eyes as I cherish this moment as my hands slowly move to wrap around his neck.

"That's enough." My father pulls us apart. "She's still my daughter."

We all laugh as my father picks me up and swings me around which makes me feel like the happiest little girl.

"I am so proud of you, Mia." My father puts me down and kisses my cheek, "The whole concept of the show, the gowns and your singing was absolutely phenomenal. That was your best show yet, well done my love."

"Thank you dad." I embrace him in a hug. I greet his wife who is actually wearing one of my designs which makes me smile even more, we speak for a few seconds before I turn to my mother. "Hey mom."

"Hey baby." She pulls me in for the biggest hug which my siblings join and I let out a few tears. "Your show was absolutely beautiful, I am so proud of you."

"I never thought that you would ever come to one of my shows." I honestly tell her. My father isn't there for every single show but he makes an effort to be there for all the important ones which I appreciate.

"I think it's time for a change, don't you think." My eyes twinkle at her words.

"I do."


MiaAntonella: After party vibes

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MiaAntonella: After party vibes. Had a very successful fashion show, thank you so much to everyone that made this night possible. Check out @TheAntonella for exclusive details on the show, behind the scene clips and a bunch of fun stuff.

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Suddenly all the media outlets are reporting about my fashion show and how much of a success it was. My name is now being thrust into new lights, I have had a bunch of calls and emails come in from brands wanting to collaborate. 

It's funny how the people slandering me are now praising me. The companies who dropped me are now reaching out to me and the news outlets now want to interview me. I scoff as I mentally push them out of my mind.

Steph and Marcus both congratulated me on the show. I did not invite Marcus because he started acting funny now that I am dating Kyrie again and I didn't want to have any issues at my event. Steph asked to talk but I'm just not ready so I declined and left it at that. 

After the show, we had a huge celebration at my dad's home which was so amazing. Then the family decided to crash at my dads so I got to spend the next day with my cousins, uncles and aunts which meant a lot to me. 

The following day, everybody had to go back to work but Cara and Andraya decided to stay behind. Andraya will be staying at my house while Cara will be staying with Maria since they are super close.

"I miss the California air." Andraya comments as she looks around the retail park. We are heading to Starbucks to get some drinks since Cara and Maria needed to buy some stuff from Home Goods. 

"You should move back." I tell her as we walk into Starbucks. "Save Atlanta for another day."

"I'll think about it." She responds and we order our drinks. We were obviously spotted so we spent ten minutes taking pictures with the people in there before leaving with our drinks. 

As we start walking back to car, we bump into Cara and Maria who are giggling.

"Hey putas." I hold up the cup holder. "One Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte and one Iced Skinny Hazelnut Latte."

"You're a gem." Cara squeals as she grabs the Hazelnut latte and Maria grabs the green tea latte.

Maria lifts up her phone and we smile for the picture with our starbucks lifted up in the air

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Maria lifts up her phone and we smile for the picture with our starbucks lifted up in the air.

"So cute." Maria comments before taking a sip of her drink, "Yum."

Andraya playfully rolls her eyes and we continue walking towards the car.  

"MIA!" We look back to see Steph Curry jogging up to us and I let out a deep sigh.

"You have got to be kidding me." Maria mutters under her breath as I look around to see if whether his wife is with him. I'm not a fighter but I will fight that bitch anyday.

"Can I talk to you?" Steph asks me as he comes to a stop infront of me only for Andraya to step up.

"Can I talk to you?" Steph asks me as he comes to a stop infront of me only for Andraya to step up

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"If you want to speak to Mia then you can speak to all of us." Andraya narrows her eyes at him. "We're all sisters here."

"I miss you." He confesses and we all sharply intake at his words. "Look, I'm going to keep it real. I have feelings for you Mia, I have always had feelings for you but I am a married man and I love my wife very much."

Andraya snorts.

"What she did was wrong, so wrong and I'm sorry that she hurt you." He takes a step forward and Maria pulls me back. "Look... I didn't do all of this, all I did was tell my wife that we kissed because I felt guilty. I have issued out a public apology but I want you to know that I miss my bestfriend. I'm not looking for forgiveness but... I'm gonna go."

I don't even know what to say as I watch him run off.

"Oh shit." Cara gasps as she looks at us. "Steph Curry has feelings for you."

Maria doesn't say anything as she pulls me in for a hug, carefully not to drop our drinks. A tear slides down my face because Steph didn't do anything wrong, it was Ayesha who started it all but they are married. 

I can't be friends with Steph knowing that Ayesha will always be in the picture. This whole situation revolving around him almost ended with me ending my own life and I can't have that happening again.

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