𝐂𝐡.9: 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞

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3rd pov

With the sky becoming increasingly darker by the minute, along with the defeated BLC members laying on the ground, all that is left is Teru and Mob facing each other for the first time. One who viewed his psychic powers as a trait, the other have been using it to cruise along in life. Needless to say, two espers with different values has finally meet.

"Amanda, pass me some snacks." muttered Allon.

"Fine." she responded, making a pack of chips appeared on his hand.

"Thanks." he smiled, opening the snack while focusing on the scenery, treating it like watching a reality show. Good thing that the two of them are immortal in this world, otherwise they would've been fucked from the very beginning. Sure, they may get injuries from today's event, but even the biggest scars ain't gonna guarantee their fate.

"Man, what a surprise to learn that thee are other psychics like Shigeo." said Dimple, smirking while standing beside him. "But it looks like he's surprised as well."

"Impossible..." he spoken, his eyes were widened after what he saw. "Are you a natural? There's another psychic like me?"

'Duh, what else?' thought Jay before sipping on his lemonade through a straw. However, the noise was so loud that it managed to catch the attention of the others, who stared at him in confusion.

"Too loud?" he said, leading to Amanda having to facepalm.

"How long were you two there?" asked Mob.

"The entire time."

"Wait, is that you, Amanda?" asked Teru.

"Yes, Teru. That's my buddy Jay, by the way." she responded, as Jay waves at the blondie. Teru then ignored him to look at Mob, noticing the sight of Dimple.

'Rude. What a jerk.' thought Jay, despite already expected the current him to act like that.

"What is the ball of creepy-looking energy next to you?" asked Teru, causing Dimple to be disgusted at the comment. "Are you its master?"

"No, it's haunting me."

"Wait, there's a ghost here?" puzzled Amanda.

"Yeah, his name is Dimple." said Mob. Despite the two of them clearly seeing him, they decided to respond the opposite as to keep their act up.

'Liar! Like that'll fool me!' snickered Dimple internally, whose thoughts were notice by Amanda through telepathy.

"Well whatever." said Teru as yellow aura begin to brighten him up, as the ground broke around him that resulted in rings. His hair was also floating around him, which reminded Jay of Mob when he went 100% the first time during the anime.

"Jay. I think Dimple is aware of us." whispered Amanda through Jay's ear.

"Shoot..." he softly groaned, visibly annoyed that Dimple see through their act. It'd only be a matter of time that he'd reveal his secret soon. All he can hope for is that Dimple won't tell Shigeo now, let himself do the talking.

"There are a bunch of questions that I want to ask you..." spoked Teru, causing Jay to snap out of his thoughts and focusing on the situation on hand. "...but before that, we need to establish the hierachy here." he demanded.

"Say what now?" said Mob with a confused tone.

'Imagine how the current Teru reacted to this scene. He'll surely feel guilty and regret, I swear.' thought Amanda.

'This fight is getting interesting.' thought Jay before he finishes his drink. He stood up from his beach, and opened his mouth.

"Hey, blondie! If you want answers, you could just ask! This isn't neccesary-"

𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑫𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒆 [Mob Psycho 100] (𝙷𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now