𝐂𝐡.16: 7𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Amanda's pov

" I see it! It's that building over here." said Teru while pointing at the square building with the hood shaped like a hemisphere.

"Yes, that's it." responded Terada-san. While Teru was making a gestured to Mob, I was busy looking out of the window with awe. It's not every day that you get to see the world from the sky, let alone on a flying car like the one from Harry Potter. Sucks that the series was tainted by the 'Fantastic Beasts' movies, that transphobic author could've written them better.

And then my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car crash. Well, more like crash landing on the ground with a hint of puffed airbags. It was a good thing that I buckled my seats, otherwise I would've flown out of the car window.

"Okay, we'll walk from here." stated Teru before walking out of the car. Unbuckling my seatbelts, I then came out of the car through Mob's side, adjusting my clothes before closing the car door.

"That was a pleasant experience, am I right?" I smiled, walking with my hands supporting my head. Walking between Mob and Teru, I looked behind to saw Terada running away from us.

"Oh dear, he's getting away." I alerted the others.

"Should we run after him?" asked Dimple.

"Considering everything that we did, I doubt he'll come after us." replied Teru, who continued to walk towards the building. I followed him behind his back, all while Dimple's just hovering beside my head.

I gulped, remembering what will happen after this moment. What shall I do to ensure my own safety without using psychic powers? But the sound of a horde of crows flying away for their safety left me not much time to answer that question. This was reduced more when the wind blew behind me, only to be greeted by a pair of trees thrown into our sight.

And by that, I mean that I was about to get C R U S H E D by them.

Thankfully, Mob created an invisible barrier that protected me from any harm. As the smoke cleared, I saw Teru flying near a tree, asking us if we're okay. Mob responded to him by saying that surprised, which I wholeheartedly agreed with while giving a thumbs up.

"Why did those trees trying to crush us, anyways?" Mob asked.

"It's that guy." Teru landed besides him. "He said he used telekinesis in the form of whips."

"Airwhips, huh?" I sighed, getting rid of dust on my sleeves. "That sounds..."

"Say your prayers, brats!"

"...fun." I finished with a deadpanned face, staring at the man who interrupted my sarcasm. Terada and his red airwhips, saying that his pride will be destroyed if he allowed us in the headquarters. Before I could comprehend his words, Terada aims the airwhips towards us, but thankfully Mob created another barrier to protect me and the ghost that I barely mentioned.

However, the whips weren't targeting us at all, but rather targeting Teru who was actively avoiding getting caught by the whips. To my dismay, the air whips got to him by grabbing around his throat and lunges him towards some trees.

Damn, those whips are long, huh? He wasn't kidding when Terada mentioned that their range is around 60 meters...

My analytical mind was then interrupted by the sight of a huge sparkle. Teru clashing his powers against Terada's own powers in protection, resulting in the trees the latter used suspended in the air. As cool as that clash is, I reminded myself to read the goddamn environment. This ain't time to be impress, this is the time to be aware of danger!

Quickly following Mob and Dimple, I heard Teru loudly telling him to do something while he concentrated on the whips. I followed that up by noting that Teru can't handle it for long, allowing Mob to use his powers when needed. With a lift of a hand, he proceeded to made them into a fist, resulting in the trees Terada was using to clash into him instead.

𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑫𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒆 [Mob Psycho 100] (𝙷𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now