𝐂𝐡.22: 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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3rd pov

With the portal closed behind their backs, they have arrived back to their original world. Something that they dearly missed. How poetic.

"Amanda, make sure that our loved one don't notice our doppelgängers." told Jay. "I don't want our parents to know about this whole thing."

She looked at him with a nonchalant face, with her eyes signalling of something he left out.

"Oh, right. I forgot that yours doesn't have a 's' in it." he remembered. "My apologies?"

"Since when did you spoke so formal?" asked Amanda, accepting his apology. She took out her phone to check up on their doopelgangers, spying on them like a flying drone does.

"They're in Seasoning City." she told him. "We were lucky that we did not arrive at the wrong time."

He understood what she meant. Had they come here when their lookalikes were interacting with their loved ones, it would've been a messy situation. Best to avoid it at all costs.

"So... How do we get back to Seasoning City?"

"The portal?"

"No, I meant on coming back here."

"Oh, that." she said before the room went silence. "How about we gather here tonight?"

"Sure, especially since my parents aren't around here."

"Well, see ya later. Gotta go see back now." she said before leaving the hallway.

"Tell ya Dad that I said hi." he called out with no response. Great, he is all alone once again. What the hell was he thinking of coming back here when his parents are on vacation? He hope that his parents are doing well in the Bahamas.

All of a sudden, he heard his phone ringing from his pocket. His mother was calling him, so he proceeded to pick it up.

"Hey, son. How are you doing?" she greeted him.

"Nothing, I'm doing fine. That's all." he smiled. Its been a while since he last heard her mother's voice. The kind that felt warm and inviting to any sorts of comfort. Oh god, he forgot how much he missed her since he went to Seasoning City.

"Jay, are you okay? Did something bad happen?"

"No, nothing bad happened." he quickly responded, not wanting to get any suspicion. "How's your trip?"

"Oh, it was amazing." she spoked before they have a full conversation about the Bahamas.

"By the way, how are things at home?" she asked.

"The usual. Just relaxing at home like I always do." he lied. Funny how he could casually lie about something. Just like how Reigen would.

"Oh good." she said before someone called out her name.

"What's wrong, Mum?"

"Nothing, gotta go now. Can't let Miranda wait for long." she aplogised.

"Say hi to my future other Mum for me, will ya?" he finished before ending the call.

Yes, he has two mothers. Time to delve into a family history lesson.

He doesn't know what happened to his biological father, so he could only rely on what his mother described him. A man who was the sweetest gentlemen one could ask for, yet one who was too good for this world. That implication led Jay to conclude that his father was indeed dead, but whether his death was caused by suicide or not was not confirmed.

Despite that tragedy, Jay described her as a loving parent who strives to be present for his son. A great mother to have in his life despite being a flawed person. Hell, he's supportive of his mother being remarried with a woman.

𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝑫𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒆 [Mob Psycho 100] (𝙷𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now