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Jimin's POV

Skip forward 2 days.

Jungkook and Taehyung have managed to sort out their little feud.

All it took was for Jungkook to yell at a guard and Taehyung automatically had his back again.

And thankfully today is Saturday which means that my court case has been put on hold.

I can relax today instead of travelling into court early in the morning to avoid the media.

Only this means that I'll be spending more time with Taehyung today then I'm used to.

"Would ya mind not watching me take a piss Park Jimin?" Taehyung snapped.

My eyes widened as I realised that I'd started daydreaming while looking in the direction of Taehyung who was using the urinal in our cell.

"Sorry." I muttered while looking away as I shuffled around on my bed to face the cell bars.

"Are you upset that no one came to visit you today?" Taehyung asked me.

We had visits today. I sat in the booth beside Taehyung and watched as we both had no visitors.

A second later I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Aye, don't touch me when you just touched your dick. I didn't hear the water running so I know they aren't clean." I whined while shuffling away from his hand.

He chuckled deeply; his laughter became symphonies to my ears.

Taehyung sat down beside me now, so we both faced the opposite wall.

"Just answer my question." Taehyung muttered while reaching over to roll up the bottoms of his prison jumpsuit, the rest still left tied around his waist by the sleeves while he wore the same white singlet as usual.

"I suppose. I suppose it makes sense that no one really would want to visit. I'd hoped maybe I could have spoken to my brother though." I muttered while staring now at the blank brick wall.

Though I twitched seeing a prison guard stand outside our cell.

"Park Jimin?" A guard asked while looking at Taehyung and I.

Our gazes were cast upon the guard.

"Yes?" I stuttered when Taehyung nudged my arm, hinting I should answer the guard.

"You have visitors." The guard stated.

My mouth fell open to his words.


"Dick, visiting hours are over." Taehyung muttered to the guard.

"For you, technically Jimin isn't convicted yet so is allowed visitors anytime. Though meeting with lawyers would be more appropriate." The guard muttered.

But who'd come and visit me?

And he said visitors, which means multiple.

Could my brother have come after all?

Would my brother hear me out?

"Come on then." The guard said, now turning away from Taehyung and I, facing whoever my visitors are.

Taehyung scoffed while I sat stunned while waiting for my visitors to appear in front of me.

My heart leaped out of my chest when I saw a young girl with black plaits hanging by the side of her face.

She wore a blue and white sailor looking dress with cute white socks, embellished with a black bow at the top, and black strap up shoes.

"Duri!" I gasped as I quickly rushed over to crouch in front of the young girl.

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