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Jimin's POV

"I murdered my dad."

My eyes went wide while looking at Taehyung by the cell door.

He just caught me reading his diary and just revealed who he killed!

I'm so gonna die!

I dropped the notebook on the table feeling nervous.

"I-I'm sorry for... ah reading your diary. Just J-Jungkook started reading it and-d then I got curious too." I stuttered, feeling panicked.

"It's alright. I should've told you from the beginning. It's not fair when you are rooming with a murderer and you are unaware of it seen as you sound reasonably innocent to me." Taehyung mumbled while kicking off his shoes.

"I'm in here for sexual harassment." I mumbled while diverting my gaze from Taehyung.

"Were... Were you found guilty? Is that why you are here right now?" Taehyung asked while tilting his head to the side.

"No. They are having a meeting without me or something. Just everyone believes that I sexually harassed my niece. The girl who came a week or so ago to visit me." I explained.

"But you didn't do it?" Taehyung asked.

I shook my head, "I do not have an attraction to females so I would never touch a female body again. My one girlfriend in the past really put me off the feminine humanity." I explained.

Taehyung nodded slowly.

"Do... Um, do you have a reason behind why you killed your father? It is not very obvious from your diary. I am sorry again for reading it." I mumbled.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to read the diary to be fully honest," Taehyung started with a chuckle.

A small smile appeared on my lips as he sat on the bottom bunk bed.

I slowly got up, sitting beside him as he sighed.

"It's been a while since I spoke about it." Taehyung continued, pausing as he collected his thoughts.

"I killed my father because he abused my mother both physically and sexually for years," Taehyung began.

"It has bothered me for years but my mother seemed incapable of being able to leave him. My mother did not work so he was our income source and she didn't want to leave me or my siblings behind." She explained.

"She managed to send my siblings away to live with my grandparents before they passed away and they stayed away from harm. But I stayed to protect my mother whenever things got out of harm," Taehyung went on.

"You may be wondering why I didn't just run away with my mum, but obviously we were the broke ones. I had no job at the time. I was studying accounting for a simple office job. But I was not close enough to getting the degree at that stage. We could have taken my fathers money but then my mother more than me would have gotten in trouble," Taehyung stated.

"So in the end, I got sick of it. He had to go. So I sacrificed myself for my mother, and for my siblings. It took my mother a while to see me as not violent though and to come to terms of my actions. She was afraid of me for quite some time." Taehyung concluded.

This must be why Taehyung said in his diary that he killed a part of himself, because his father was in his blood and features.

"But wouldn't your mother still be broke now?" I questioned.

"No," Taehyung started.

"She was my fathers wife, and his money was entitled to her. Plus my siblings found out and they had made a life and had secured money, along with my grandparents money so she is doing well." Taehyung mumbled.

"I do not have a violent nature, but I suppose because my father was violent, when I am protecting someone who means a lot to me... I can get violent." Taehyung stated.

That must be why he got violent last night, because he wanted to protect me, like he wanted to protect his mother.

"I am trying my best to control rages of violence when protecting. I am working on my mind a bit. Apparently writing in a dairy is peaceful and clears my mind which I will say is helping me." Taehyung stated.

"But if you need mental help, shouldn't you be in a mental hospital instead of prison?" I asked Taehyung.

"No. I didn't use like an insanity protection or defence, I am not eligible because I knew what I was doing and had the intent to kill my dad. So I just get mental support through the prison, claiming I have bad mental health." Taehyung shrugged.

"What about a provocation defence?" I asked Taehyung.

Author - Provocation for those who do not know, is when someone pushes you into doing something. Eg. Someone tells you to rob a bank or they will kill your family, this is a behavioural example, or verbally someone teases you which makes you angry so you slap them because you don't like what they said. So in this case Taehyung's mother was being abused which lead Taehyung to murder his father.

"Hold up smartie, how do you know what that is?" Taehyung asked while raising his eyebrow at me.

"I am a law student." I stated with a shy smile.

Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Wow alright, didn't know you were smart and into law shit." Taehyung gasped.

"But um, provocation is not used in many countries anymore Jimin-ah. So I just have to go along with being a criminal, even though provocation would apply to myself. It just fit with too many crimes and got people who were really in need of long sentences." Taehyung told me.

I frowned, "That sounds smart but unfair for people like you who would fit that." I muttered.

"But many people also would lie. Many people even lie about intent or being insane." Taehyung responded.

I nodded.

"I suppose you are right, it is just not that fair." I commented.

"Are... Are we all good now?" Taehyung asked, looking over at me.

We made eye contact and I got lost for a minute or two, looking into his sympathetic chocolatey orbs.

"Yeah, we are all good."

Ayo, thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? What yal reckon is gonna happen in the end? Reckon Jimin is going to get convicted? Would he be happy convicted? Would he be sad if he isn't convicted? Would yal still date a murderer tho? Even if he had a provocation defense... His natural nature may b a bit worrying... 

Anyways feel free to comment, vote and add this book to your library/libraries if you are enjoying it.

Till next time... Stay warm, healthy, safe and take care my lovelies... Byeeeee :)

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