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Jimin's POV

I sat with my hands tightly bonded together, the heavy, cool metal pressing harshly against my wrists.

The cuffs slotted into the desk as I sat surrounded by glass panels at a dark wooden desk.

My brown glossy eyes gazed down at the chipped table while my lips were perched in a line straight.

My blonde hair was a mess on the top of my head from resting against a prison cell bench for the last three nights.

The beat of my heart sounded not tuned as I lifted my gaze across to my cute little niece, sitting on my brother's lap opposite me in a purple dress covered in pink hearts.

She still was shaking since it all happened and while her father didn't dare to look at me, she looked at me, watching me.

Her innocent little beady eyes watched me unaware of what was going on while I sat in orange prison rags that smelt like it hasn't been washed since the nineteenth century.

"Bring up evidence 24." A male lawyer backing my brother, his wife and their daughter stated while standing in front of a brown wooden stand.

He spoke clearly into the microphone, "This is an exact match of DNA that was found on my plaintiffs clothing."

On the screen was some evidence of my DNA from medical tests that I've had in the past, beside my DNA on my niece's clothing.

I stared at the screen feeling anger burning inside of me.

"Objection your honour, Park Jimin is indeed the uncle of young Miss Park Duri, the plaintiff was at the defendants house between the hours of 12:00pm and 19:30pm, so it's expected that inside Park's house there would be his DNA which has rubbed off on young Duri's clothing. This evidence cannot be allowed considering the setting this crime took place, as well as considering Jimin's soft caring nature towards his niece-" My lawyer stated.

"Enough, we aren't determining the defendant's character, we are examining a piece of evidence. I will abolish this as evidence considering the defendant lawyers argument unless you have anything to add?" The judge asked while looking back at the plaintiff's lawyer.

"The case happened in the backyard and I don't believe there's the defendant's DNA outside." The lawyer stated.

I rolled my eyes at that remark.

The plaintiff's lawyer's voice sounded harsh and irritated.

"But she was at Park Jimin's house between the hours of 12:00pm and 19:30pm. Are you claiming that the young girl did not step inside her uncle's house while she needed to be fed or take a nap?" My lawyer shot back.

"I will abolish this evidence." The judge said into the microphone in front of her desk.

"We will conclude there for today." The judge announced before people started to shift around the room.

Of course I was left to wait locked to a table until my niece, brother and sister in law left the room but I couldn't help but want to scream.

Why would I place my hands on my niece?

Why would my brother even think I'd place my hands on my niece sexually?

She's 5 years old.

I'd never consider doing such a thing.

And whatever pig did such a thing, I despise them entirely from how much I panicked and worried about my niece.

"Get up." A police officer said while unclipping me from the table.

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