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Jimin's POV


I know I wanted to kiss Taehyung but in his mind, it seriously must have come from no where.

I need to explain myself but can I even vocalise the way I feel to anyone.

"Um," I started while trying to format the words I wanted to get out.

Taehyung's eyes were quite wide with shock.

"You don't need to explain." Taehyung stated cutting me off.

But does he not want an explanation?

"Okay." I muttered feeling my cheeks start to heat up.

"Unless there's anything you think I should know?" Taehyung asked while the bat was left between his right hand, facing the door.

His eyes now loomed with a gorgeous lustful deep brown swirl.

I gulped feeling his eyes on me.

"I think... I think I'm gay." I said very softly as I diverted my eye sight from Taehyung's eyes.

However they caught the sight of an adorable box smile forming on Taehyung's thiner lips.

But his smile began to change into a smirk.

His taller legs got closer to mine as I felt his larger hand slip under my chin, tilting my eye line upwards to meet his orbs.

"You think hm? Well that does make things interesting now." Taehyung said, his voice sounding very low and sexual now, which made my cheeks heat up even more.

My eyes scanned down his face at his lips for a second before flickering back up to his eyes.

His lips inched closer to mine until I could feel his warm breath tickling my top lip.

But before our lips could touch once more, Taehyung and I yelped as a taser got jabbed into Taehyung's rib.

I watched as he fell to the ground whining in pain.

My eyes widened before they landed on the guard.

Course they are homophobic...

"Did you fucking have too?" I snapped in annoyance. 

"What? Did you not need help?" The guard asked.

"Help with what?" I asked confused.

"I got an alert from people in the security room on my walkie talkie that you were in danger?" The guard responded.

Behind his outfit, this guard looked young and very unconfident.

He wore all black clothes with dark as night shiney metal plates and protective wear on.

He honestly needs to grow some confidence or some inmate could really over power him.

However his imagine reminds me of my own.

"Oh, well I don't need saving from him, we already delt with the other male." I stated while gesturing my head towards the other inmates cell.

His head looked over at the cell, peering in to see the older male lying on the floor.

"Does he need hospital assistance? Why is he not moving?" The guard asked while I reached over to take Taehyungs hand to help pull him up from the ground.

He winced and grabbed his side while standing beside me as I responded to the guard.

"We hit him so he'd not hurt me. Self defense." I told him.

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