Epilogue 1.

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- News paper report -

Wrongly convicted Park Jimin has been compensated for his years behind bars while Park Duri's real offender has recently been sentenced.

Seo Jii is 34 years old and fits the identity of Park Duri's claimed offender.

This is not Seo Jii's first offence, in the past he was sentenced for kidnapping a young girl (age 9) for two days before taking her back to a park in Seoul that he took her from.

His behaviour towards the 9 year old girl is not open to the public or media, but we can presume from Park Duri's case that his intentions towards young girls are not safe.

Park Duri spoke more to the media about the incident; explaining how she was playing outside the front of her uncle's house while he was cleaning his car, only she didn't go inside straight away with her uncle.

She said she saw the man approaching from the sidewalk but when she called for her uncle, he must not have been able to hear her while he was inside.

She spoke briefly that the man had touched her to the media, but explained that she squirmed about in his arms to get away; the man fled before he was caught—which wrongly convicted Park Jimin.

When we asked about her uncle, she was happy to share her excitement to be able to spend more time with her 'favourite' uncle again.

Seo Jii will be in prison for 10 years with parole, so keep an eye out for Seo Jii who will be released around the year 2030.

After speaking to the public about the case, many people believe that Seo Jii should be serving more time in prison.

Feel free to state your opinions below as your opinions matter to the government and to health and safety regulations.

- End of news report -

Epilogue 2 has also been published so check that out too. 

It's more story like.

Also oop- it ain't Jimin's brother, thoughts? feelings? concerns?

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