Ch 41 - His Little Mint

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three days later.

Rong Weiping was officially detained and arrested by the police on suspicion of embezzlement.

The official blog of Rongshi Group issued a relevant statement as soon as Rong Weiping was arrested, explaining and explaining to the public.

Due to the timely public relations, even if the public was shocked by the arrest of the senior shareholders of Rongshi Group, it did not cause much impact.

The stock market of Rong's Group has not been subject to much volatility.

During the period, Rong Weiping's wife tried to come to the hospital to find Rong Weishan to make trouble because of her husband's arrest by the police.

Luckily, she met her eldest sister-in-law, Rong Xihua, downstairs.

This time, the reason why Rong Weiping was arrested by the police so quickly because of the solid evidence is because Rong Xihua clearly mentioned the matter of Rong Weiping taking kickbacks in the recording of the conversation with Rong Weishan.

Rong Weiping's wife accused Rong Xihua of killing her husband, but Rong Xihua tried his best to refute it. The two scuffled in front of the hospital's inpatient building.

In the end, the hospital security came in a hurry, which ended the farce.

Rongrong hid the conflict between his aunt and aunt, and didn't bother his father.

In the room during the day, listening to his dad's snoring, on the sofa, he told his brother the farce like a joke.

On the day that Rong Weiping was formally arrested by the police, Rongrong's mobile phone played the whole day of "Black Cat Sheriff" on a loop.

In the evening, when Rong Zheng went to visit Rong Weishan, Rong Weishan caught his eldest son and complained, expressing in pain that all the whistling sirens were in his mind now.

That night, Rong Zheng was in his dad's circle of friends and swiped this piece of content——

"The alarm bells are ringing, may you and I take precautions."

Share the music "Black Cat Sheriff".

Rong Zheng: "..."

No matter what he usually posts, Chairman Rong's message below is very lively, but this time, it was as quiet as a chicken.

The next day, Rong Zheng went to visit his father Rong Weishan again.

Rong Weishan was watering the green plants in the ward, humming in his mouth, "How light and vigorous the steps are, revealing the shrewdness of a detective, looking at the enemy's situation, leaving behind a mighty and vigorous figure."

At the climax, a voice adds up, "Ahhh, Sheriff Black Cat."

"Ahhh, Sheriff Black Cat."

The person watering the green plants turned around with the flower sprinkler in his hand, and the person sitting on the sofa held a mobile phone. The two looked at each other tacitly, and began their harmony: "Forest citizens salute you, to you You salute, salute you."

After singing, the flower watering nozzle in Rong Weishan's hand sprayed a few times in the direction of Rong Zheng.

Ying Lan walked up to her eldest son and said with a smile, "The doctor said that your father is recovering well and will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Rong Zheng looked at the big and small in the ward and nodded calmly.


Otherwise, there is absolutely no physical strength, and I can sing KTV in a hospital.

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