Ch 143 - In your dream, fluffy... could he marry and have children

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Rongrong's expression looked too nervous.

Rong Zheng thought he was frightened, and his fingertips gently pinched Rongrong's palm? It was midsummer, but Rongrong's palm was very cold.

Rong Zheng slightly turned up the air conditioner in the ward by two degrees, and calmly said: "Well, alive. The other party is all right, the workers tied the safety tethers at the time, and our construction safety facilities? There is no problem, it is the other party's operation. Improperly, it will cause the oil barrel to fall from a high altitude when he paints the outer wall."

alive? The other party is alive? So no life was lost?

Like permafrost in winter, when the sun rises and shines on the ice surface, the ice layer above is melted little by little. Rongrong's frozen blood finally flowed on his body again.

Rongrong came back to his senses, and out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of the gauze wrapped around his brother's palm, and his heart was entangled. He grabbed his brother's wrist and frowned, "Brother, is your hand hurt?"

Rongrong was so restless just now that he never noticed that his brother had gauze wrapped around his hands. At this time, Rongrong noticed that both of his brother's hands were injured, both of which were wrapped in gauze on the palm, only the fingers were exposed.

"It's alright, it's just a scratch on the skin. It's just a skin injury."

Rong Zheng himself didn't care? He looked down at Rong Rong, "Scared?"

Rongrong pursed her lips, and he said seriously: "As long as my brother is fine." A false alarm is already the best situation.

If his brother had a butterfly effect that he didn't know about because of his rebirth, he would surely die of guilt.

Rong Zheng said "um", "Sorry, I can't accompany you to dinner at home tonight."

Rongrong's heart tugged with pain, and he found that his brother always had a way to easily hit the softest part of his heart. Everyone was in the hospital, and he was still thinking about following him. He made an appointment for dinner.

However, even in the hospital, we can still eat together after all.

"Brother, what do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Rongrong thought for a while, then paused and asked his brother, "Did the doctor say anything about taboos?"

Rong Zheng: "As long as it's not seafood or spicy food, it's fine."

"Then I'll go buy it for you now."

Rong Rong sat up from the bed and was pulled by Rong Zheng, "No. I asked Liu Xing to go home and get my clothes for me. He should be here soon. I'll give him a call. You are here, with you. accompany me."

Rong Zheng rarely asks, like asking Rong Rong to accompany him, Rong Rong bent his lips, "Okay."

Rong Zheng reached for the mobile phone beside the bed, and used the mobile phone to call assistant Liu Xing.

Before Rong Rong came, Rong Zheng had not been to the bathroom.

His legs and hands are not very convenient, and he doesn't want to trouble his parents. Now that Rongrong is there, Rongzheng asks Rongrong to help him go to the bathroom.

After Rongrong heard it, he was silent for a moment, then he crooked his head, "Brother, you just said you wanted me to accompany you, just wanted me to accompany you to the bathroom?"

Rong Zheng laughed, and his fingertips pinched Rongrong's cheek, "coincidence. There is a wheelchair in the ward, you can push the wheelchair over, and I will sit on it myself."

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