Ch 177 - Don't Thank You To Kiss

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Xiang Tian's back was against the bathroom door, and his waist was surrounded by Sun Qi.

Xiang Tian's coat took off when he entered the villa. He is now wearing nothing but a bottoming cashmere sweater. The heat on Sun Qi's body was clearly transmitted through the soft fabric of the cashmere sweater.

Xiang Tian just pushed the door in a hurry, so that his body was hugged, and his brain didn't react. After a while, Xiang Tian turned his face, and Sun Qi lightly pecked at his face. Before Sun Qi kissed his lips, Xiang Tian asked softly, "Aqi, are you okay?"

Two people are too familiar and know each other too well. Often, they can read the true emotions in each other's eyes with just one look.

At this moment, what Sun Qi captured from Xiang Tian was not anger, but fear. Sun Qi suddenly realized that it was just a little joke to him just now, but Xiaotian was really frightened by him.

The thought in Sun Qi's heart suddenly cleared up. He is not someone who can't even apologize for doing something wrong. He said earnestly, "I'm sorry, Xiaotian. I shouldn't have made such a joke with you."

Xiang Tian shook his head, recovered from his fright and smiled gently at Sun Qi, "It's okay, you'll be fine, just wash first. I'll go out first."

Xiang Tian gently pushed Sun Qi away.

Sun Qi grabbed the man, he held Xiang Tian's hand, like a broken child who did something wrong, he brushed the wet strands of hair up with his fingers a little embarrassedly, with a guilty tone, "What? , Your clothes are all wet by me, you take off the sweater on your body before going out, okay?" The heater is on in the bedroom outside, so Xiaotian won't be cold.

Xiang Tian looked down at the cashmere sweater on his body, and sure enough, most of it was wet.

Xiang Tian made a "hmm" sound.

Sun Qi said positively: "I'll help you take off."

As soon as he finished speaking, he started to lift Xiang Tian's clothes. Xiang Tian was not used to having to ask someone to help with such trivial matters, so he took a step back. After a while, it was the bathroom door, and the back of his head hit the door.

"Does it hurt? I feel it to see if it's swollen. Blame me."

Sun Qi nervously touched the back of Xiang Tian's head, but he didn't feel any lumps, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Sun Qi gave Xiang Tian a baby kiss on the forehead.

Xiang Tian: "..."

Xiang Tian had the illusion that he had changed from flesh and blood to paper.

In the end, it was the cashmere sweater that Xiang Tian took off by himself. After taking off the cashmere sweater and putting it in the dirty laundry basket in the bathroom, Xiang Tian went out.

Xiang Tian was only wearing a slim-fitting thermal underwear, which framed Xiang Tian's waist extremely thin, and his exposed neck was as white as snow. Sun Qi's Adam's apple rolled slightly. He was looking at the hair on the back of Xiang's head and felt that every strand of hair was terribly attractive to him.

Xiang Tian thoughtfully closed the bathroom door for Sun Qi, without even glancing at the naked Sun Qi from the corner of his eye.

Sun Qi: "..."

He showed loneliness.


This time, Sun Qi didn't dare to make any more fools.

He was almost done washing himself, so he deliberately delayed the time in order to trick Xiang Tian in. Drying the water droplets on his body as quickly as possible, Sun Qi put on his pajamas, opened the cabinet in Xiangtian's bathroom, took out the spare toiletries, and washed herself with Xiangtian's towel. Wiping the water droplets on his face, he came out of the bathroom honestly.

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