Ch 16

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Rongrong? !

How could it be Rongrong?

The brothers Rong Weiyong and Rong Weiping were stunned.

How did those people pass it on!

What a beautiful youth!

It's fucking Rongrong, it's okay if the employees of the company don't recognize it. Don't the old guys from the company who have been fighting with Weishan before have not recognized it? !

Make them lose such a big person!

Then again, his little nephew rarely shows up in public. Maybe the old guys have seen strange things when they were young, or haven't these two brothers always been incompatible?

Why did Rong Zheng bring people to the company today?

Don't let the eldest son manage the company is not enough, do you want the younger son to join in the company's business?

Is it really considered that the Rongshi Group belongs to their family?

Rong Zheng is not a fool, of course he knows that his two uncles are bad people.

It's ridiculous to mistake Rongrong for his little lover or something.

Rong Zheng frowned, he put the ice pack on Rong Rong's swollen forehead again, and scolded, "Don't talk nonsense."

What Rongrong can hear, he doesn't believe that his brother's intelligence will not hear it.

Brother, this is to save face for his two uncles.

That's right, face is something that depends on whether some people are worthy or not.

The smile on Rongrong's face did not diminish, "Am I talking nonsense? The uncle didn't say hello, he opened the door, and the first sentence was what he said, did you forget it? It doesn't matter if the uncle can't remember it. Xiao Zheng... It's a good thing that this young man is full of energy. But we also have to pay attention to the shadow... 'This requires you to pay attention to the impact.

What did the uncle just say?

Oh, what I'm saying is, it's work time anyway, so it's not appropriate to ask you.

I hit my forehead, and it's swollen, brother, you're giving me an ice pack. It doesn't matter whether it's going to affect me or not, it doesn't matter if it fits or not, right?

If brother still thinks I'm talking nonsense, why don't you ask your uncle and uncle to explain what the two sentences just now mean? If I really misunderstood, I will apologize to my uncle and uncle. "

Rong Weiping scolded a mother in his heart.

His little nephew's temperament is still so unpleasant.

Rong Weiping was the youngest in the family. When Mr. Rong passed away, he was only five years old. Several older brothers and sisters in the family felt sorry for his younger brother and lost his father. It was inevitable that they would spoil the youngest brother, so that the third one is now Rong's age. Now, not only did his temper not converge, but instead became more fiery.

"Explain what? Can I explain to you, a little brat? Is it your duty to speak here?"

Rong Weiping was quite polite to Rong Zheng. At that time, because Rong Zheng was now the actual decision-maker of the company, they had to give face to their eldest nephew.

As for this sloppy little nephew who is useless except for his appearance, he naturally ignores it.

When Rongrong was very young, his two uncles were like this, and they looked down on him in particular, always sneering at him in a joking tone.

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