Ch 147 - You let me go first

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Fucheng, Meilin Villa. It snowed all night, and the window was covered in silver.

In the room, the curtains were tightly closed, and only a little light entered the room through the gaps in the curtains.

On the bed, Xiang Tian pressed his temple with one hand and propped it with the other, and he was slightly startled by the firm touch under his palm. He lowered his head slowly and slowly.

The light was very dim, even so, Xiang Tian recognized that it was a male chest.

After he and Ah Qi returned to the house last night, the image of the two falling on the bed came to his mind like a movie replay. Xiang Tian's cheeks were hot, and he suddenly withdrew his hand as if his hands were scalded by boiling water. As soon as he retracted his hand, his body lost support and fell down on top of Sun Qi.


Sun Qi slept soundly, but when he was hit by something heavy, he scolded in a low voice.


Xiang Tian apologized in a low voice, he was about to get up from his friend in a hurry, but his body was too weak, just about to get up, he fell on Sun Qi again.


This time, Xiang Tian's nose fell on Sun Qi's chest, causing him to groan in pain.

Hearing the voice of her friend Xiang Tian, ​​Sun Qi endured the anger of getting up in the morning, "Xiao Tian?"


Xiang Tian responded in a low voice.

"You helped me back to my room last night?"

Xiang Tian stiffened, "You, don't remember anything?"

"I may have drank a bit..."

The feeling of hangover is not good, Sun Qi groaned uncomfortably, and he touched Xiang Tian's body randomly, looking for his waist. Sun Qi had just woken up, and he was hungover again, and her mind had not fully recovered. He didn't notice that when his hand was placed on Xiang Tian's body, Xiang Tian froze visibly.

He helped Xiang Tian who fell on top of him, sat up himself, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What time is it now?"

Before Xiang Tian could answer, he frowned again and complained, "It's too dark, why don't you turn on the lights?"

"Don't open-"

Before Xiang Tian's word for "lamp" was finished, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Sun Qi has turned on the lights.

Xiang Tian's eyes couldn't adapt to the sudden light, so he had to block his eyes with his hands.

Sun Qi was stunned.

At first, Sun Qi didn't take the clothes scattered from the carpet too seriously. He drank too much last night, and Xiaotian's situation is definitely not much better than him. It's normal for two drunks to take off their clothes and go to bed.

Sun Qi first sensed that the smell in the room was wrong. He took his eyes away from the clothes scattered on the ground, and finally, like a stuck movie scene, he slowly and mechanically landed on Xiang Tian next to him.

There were blue and purple hickeys everywhere on Xiang Tian's shoulders and collarbone, and the shape was tragic. At a glance, he knew what happened to him last night.

There are only the two of them in the room, and the hickey on Xiaotian's body cannot be made by Xiaotian himself.

Sun Qi originally thought that the worst situation was nothing more than being drunk, messing with relatives, two big men, and nothing could really happen. When he found that Xiang Tian was not wearing any clothes, he suddenly realized that things might be 10,000 times more serious than he expected.

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