Ch 125 - He's Glittering

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Colorful hot air balloons occupy the entire live broadcast screen, accompanied by light and pleasant music special effects.

Everyone's attention was on the hot air balloon, only Rongrong's eyes fell on the name "Rong Zheng" on the screen.

His brother told him that there is an entertainment at night, can I still watch the live broadcast during the entertainment? Or at this point, the entertainment has ended?

Because the special effects of the hot air balloon were so gorgeous, Rong Rong had to get close to the screen. He was wearing glasses, and almost his entire face was on the screen. Now many people are wearing vests, and the one who bears his brother's name may not necessarily be his brother.

However, Rongrong has a strong feeling that the person who sent him eight "confession balloons" should be his brother.

Rongrong called out to the screen, "Brother?"

Rong Zheng: "Yeah"

Rongrong saw this concise language style, and knew that this person was indeed his brother who didn't run away. He raised his lips and smiled.

Sun Wen stayed in the live broadcast room all the time, holding her chest with her arms, holding the colorful and dreamy hot air balloon on the screen, thinking, is this the rumored Tieshu blossoming? The old man is quite good, and Shengsheng turned her live broadcast into a live show of love.

After this wave of interaction, her live broadcast will definitely be out of the circle.

Sun Wen glanced at the live broadcast data, and sure enough, after Rong Zheng sent out the "confession balloon", tens of thousands of fans poured into the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers was still increasing rapidly. Sun Wen had a hunch that this live broadcast was going to be popular.

Sun Wen's judgment is sharp——


"Shout it again!!! Mama has to listen to the eldest and shout again!!!"

"Woooooo! I really want to buy the young master and let him call my brother in my ear every day!"

"The young master's smile is so soft!!! It feels like there is a small feather brush, brushing it on the tip of my heart!!! Help! Is this the feeling of heartbeat?"

"Okay, good card!! I was almost squeezed out just now!"

"Me too, I thought it was the network at home. I turned off the WIFI and turned on the traffic. The result is the same. Damn!"

"Everyone's card is the real card!"

"Emma. Everyone, don't be fooled by the young master. Pay more attention to 'Sleeping Beauty'. Don't forget the purpose of everyone entering the live broadcast room."

"No, I'm here to see if I buy 'Sleeping Beauty' as a gift to the perfumer. (bhi)"

Rows of barrages swiped across the screen, filling the screen full to the brim.

"Woooooo, please! Big brother asks little brother to say a few more words! This way I can extract the audio and listen to it before going to bed."

"Am I the only one who cares differently? One confession balloon is 5,200, and 8 confession balloons are 41,600! It's almost my salary for a year. The social animals left tears of envy."

"I'm crying! How can I have a local tyrant brother?"

"Why is it a confession balloon? Isn't the most expensive 9999 spaceship? Blind guess, did my brother choose the 'confession balloon' on purpose? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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