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traffic light.

Rongrong parked the car on the straight road.

After a few seconds, he received a message from his brother.

Rongrong lowered her head, put her index finger and middle finger together, zoomed in on the location map sent by Rong Zheng, and glanced at it, it was a high-end club.

This group of people ran quite far, and they went to dinner in the area of ​​Xinghe Square.

Galaxy Plaza and Rongshi Group are in the opposite direction, which is a rhythm across the entire urban area.

Moreover, the fees for places in the Galaxy Square area are not low.

However, since a department's orientation meeting can invite his brother, the president, it means that the protagonist of today's orientation meeting is not too low, and it is also a general level. It is estimated that the company will reimburse him, and the money is not bad.

"OK, received."

Rong Zheng replied with a voice and put the phone back on the car rack.

Rong Zheng did not use speech to text.

Therefore, Su Ran in the office clearly heard the brisk young voice.

Su Ran didn't have to guess, she knew who the caller was just now.

It was only by talking to his precious brother that she could see such a gentle expression on her former classmate.

"Is your brother coming to the welcome party tonight?"

Just now, when Rongrong was talking to Rong Zheng, the time passed 17:00, which means it was time to get off work.

Su Ran did not use the honorific title for Rong Zheng again.

Rong Zheng typed in the dialog, "Drive carefully."

Didn't get a reply right away, guess Rongrong might be focusing on driving.

Hearing Su Ran's question, he put away his phone, "Yeah. He called and asked me if I was off work. I don't know how on a whim, he said he wanted to invite me out to dinner, and asked if I would like to reward me."

Speaking of Rongrong, the expression on Rongzheng's face did not change much, but a smile appeared in his eyes.

Su Ran was actually quite surprised.

When he was in college, Rong Zheng was very busy, and it was difficult to see him outside of class time.

The teacher assigns them a group to complete the homework.

Every time I arrive, there is no unnecessary nonsense. I directly ask her about the progress of the deputy team leader, and then start assigning tasks to them, asking them to complete them within the specified time as much as possible.

The wording was very polite, and he was the team leader who was the best at it. At that time, he was also busy with starting a business outside, so that their mouths were so busy that they couldn't even say the word "no". Working hard to complete the group work.

how to say……

Rong Zheng originally felt more like a precision machine to her.

It is undeniable that she was once attracted by his excellence in college.

After thinking about it, I decided to give up.

Such a man is only suitable for viewing from a distance, and is really not suitable for climbing.

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