Ch 169 - Kiss Again

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Fire red roses, like fireworks in winter.

Xiang Tian's eyes reflected this fiery flame, but in Xiang Tian's eyes, this flame was not as good as Sun Qi, who was holding a bouquet.

As if he was feeling something, he saw that Sun Qi, who was talking to several designers and assistant Li Yanyan, looked at him, raised the hand in his pocket, and the corners of his lips were smiling, and he swayed towards him. He waved.

Xiang Tian was very distracted.

Hearing a knock on the door, he regained his senses and stood up from his chair.

Xiang Tian opened the door for Sun Qi.

As soon as the door of the office opened, a bouquet of bright flowers was stuffed into Xiang Tian's arms.

Sun Qi hugged him.

They were holding a bouquet again, and they were hugging each other. If it was someone else, the employees would have been shouting excitedly. But the person holding Xiang Tian is Sun Qi. The employees present knew that the two were good friends for many years. I just don't know how Mr. Sun will bring flowers this time.

Maybe something very happy happened.

Afraid that the roses in his arms would be crushed, Xiang Tian protected him with his hands.

Because he was hugged by Sun Qi, Xiang Tian's eyes were forced to face the surprised employees in the office area. This made Xiang Tian somewhat uncomfortable. But compared to this discomfort, he was more curious about Sun Qi's sudden action.

Xiang Tian turned his face to look at Sun Qi, "What's wrong? Did something very happy happened?"

Sun Qi put one arm around Xiang Tian's waist, and the corner of his lips showed a smile, "Hmm, of course it's a great pleasure to see you."

Xiang Tian: "..."

"You go ahead and talk. Remember to close the door."

Xiang Tian walked in with the roses in his hands and brought people into the office.

A male designer sighed: "Is the friendship between men so gay now? If I didn't know that Mr. Sun and Mr. Xiang have a strong relationship, I would have liked Mr. Sun's high profile just holding flowers. I thought that Sun was always after our general manager!"

Li Yanyan immediately said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense. We, President Sun and Xiang Zong, have been friends for many years. What would you think if it was rumored that you were pursuing your good brother?"

Immediately, a female designer echoed: "Yes, yes."

That's a grievance for a male designer. He said in his heart that his good buddies wouldn't spend money on his company at all.

The eldest man, who will send flowers to the brothers?


When Sun Qi entered Xiang Tian's office, he saw the nearly dry lychee pink roses in his office at a glance.

"This flower has dried up like this? Why do you still keep it?"

Sun Qi walked towards the bunch of lychee pink roses, took the flowers out of the vase and planned to throw them away, but accidentally got water on the flowers and leaves.

He turned his head in surprise and looked at Xiang Tian, ​​"Did you water it just now?" The flower was so dry that there was no need to water it any more.

Xiang Tian put the bouquet of roses that Sun Qi in his arms had just given him on the table, took the blind remote control on the table, and put down the blinds on both sides of the office. In this way, the office becomes an independent and private space.

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