Ch 183 - Brother Xiaotian Has Fouled

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Xiang Tian was slightly startled when asked by Liang Yuan if he had been in a relationship recently.

Liang Yuan smiled warmly and said, "Because you seem to be happier than ever before. You also mentioned that you often go out to eat and go to the mall recently. We talked about in the past that you usually cook at home during holidays. When you are, you usually tell me that you are watching videos at home alone, or you are drawing artwork by yourself. Whether it is eating or sleeping, you are the only one. Only occasionally, will you be with you Hang out with friends.

But this time you gave me a different answer. So, I'm wondering if you've been in a relationship recently. If this question is not easy to answer, or do not want to answer. No need to answer. "

Since it is psychological counseling, of course, it is mainly based on the comfort of the counselor. Once it is found that the counselor rejects or resists this issue, the medical counselor usually gives up temporarily, and then finds a suitable opportunity gradually.

Does he look happier than ever before? Xiang Tian's eyes were filled with confusion. There is no mirror in the consultation room, so he doesn't know what his expression looks like at this time. However, what he can be sure of is—

"Well. I'm in a relationship with Aqi. I'm very happy."

I'm very happy that this adjective about emotions was not asked, and Xiang Tian took the initiative to add it, or Xiang Tian took the initiative to share it with Liang Yuan.

This is a very good phenomenon, indicating that Xiang Tian, ​​who was pure and the person being questioned, began to share his emotions with him subjectively and consciously, and was willing to actively establish a connection with the outside world.

Of course, this is not to say that Xiang Tian has previously rejected establishing a connection with completion, he is just not very good at this aspect. But when he began to develop a more intimate relationship with his long-term friend, the transformation of this relationship brought him a very big change without him realizing it.

Liang Yuanyou's eyes were gentle, and she said sincerely, "Congratulations."

Xiang Tian's lips curved into a shallow arc, "Thank you."

Liang Yuan was chatting about Xiang Tian's recent situation again.

"You have been to bars and large shopping malls with your friends during this time, haven't you? In the crowd, do you still feel chest tightness and breathlessness, and want to escape nervously?"

In the past, whenever Xiang Tian was asked this question, he would inevitably think of the feeling of suffocation in the crowd, and there would be a look of resistance and pain on his face. This time, a thoughtful look appeared on Xiang Tian's face. He didn't fall into pain just by thinking back as he used to, but was thinking about his feelings at that time seriously.

Liang Yuan patiently waited for Xiang Tian's thinking.

Xiang Tian said truthfully: "I didn't feel chest tightness, and I didn't feel short of breath. It's just..."

Xiang Tian paused, as if thinking about the appropriate wording.

Liang Yuan softly filled in for him, "It's just that you're still a little nervous, aren't you?"

Xiang Tian: "Yeah."

Liang Yuan looked at Xiang Tian tenderly, and gave him the most gentle and firm encouragement, "Xiao Tian, ​​you have done a great job. You are nervous, but you still choose to try, try to walk into the mall, walk into the Crowd, you did a great job."

Liang Yuan has been consulting Xiang Tian for so many years, and she naturally knows better than anyone how difficult it is for Xiang Tian to take this step.

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