Ch 101 - No Longer as Brother

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Rong Zheng repeated in a low voice, "The dowry?"

Rongrong nodded, smiling slyly, "Hmm. With my current worth, I have to work hard."

Rong Zheng rubbed his head, "Come on."

Rongrong wondered if she heard it wrong, "Brother, what did you just say?"

Could his brother be possessed by something strange? He said he wanted to save money for the dowry, and his brother asked him to cheer?

He stared at his brother suspiciously, "Is my brother sarcastic just now?"

Rong Zheng pinched his nose, "I'm just happy that you included me in your future life plan."

When talking about marriage, dowry and betrothal gifts are involved.

As for the betrothal gift or dowry, he and Rongrong are both men, so it is more appropriate to say that it is a marriage rather than a marriage. Rongrong wants to save more money through his efforts, which is his responsibility for the future. For a nineteen-year-old boy, it is certainly an encouragement to be able to take the initiative to take responsibility and work hard for the lives of two people in the future.

"elder brother!"

Talk, talk, pinch his nose what to do! Rongrong took his brother's hand off.

His eyes met his brother's teasing eyes, and Rongrong realized after a while that he was wrapping himself in it.

A betrothal gift or something, isn't it a problem that will only be involved in the discussion of marriage in the future! What's the difference between this and proposing to his brother in disguise? !

Rongrong's ears were red, and he snorted, "Brother, do you take me for someone. Am I the kind of person who runs away? Anyway, just wait, brother, I will make a lot of money, I'll give you a generous betrothal gift."

When the domestic agent negotiates this time, according to the agreement he signed with Versa, he will have another free income in his account. When "Rebirth" is launched, his popularity in the fragrance industry will be further opened.

When the time is right, he can collaborate with Versa and, like Ji Yuan, set up his personal brand, Sharon Incense. It may not be comparable to the market value of "Rong's", but at least it won't be too inferior to his brother, isn't it?

Rong Zheng never doubted Rongrong's ability.

He said earnestly: "Okay, then I will wait for you to save enough dowry gifts and propose marriage to me."

If the dowry is not enough by then, he doesn't mind bringing his own dowry. Of course, he didn't say that. His teenager wanted to work hard, and he naturally fully supported it.

Rongrong's cheeks were hot, and he proposed to his brother...

Just think about it, exciting.

After listening to his brother's media interview with him, the video became a hot search. His parents were very worried about his situation, so Rongrong turned on the phone. As soon as the phone was turned on, many missed calls and WeChat messages popped up on Rongrong's phone. Rongrong did not return.

He found the head portrait of his mother Ying Lan. Rongrong hesitated when sending the video.

Did your parents also see the videos of reporters and media interviewing him? Then what he said... did your parents hear it? Including him facing the camera and the microphone, telling everyone clearly that he did nothing wrong in the matter of making mistakes, and he didn't feel that he needed to be responsible for the mistakes that he made nineteen years ago. He also said He had no guilt for Jian Yi.

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