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Rongrong bent her legs and hugged her cold body.

His body trembled uncontrollably.

Some of his dreams actually came true.

No, if he hadn't insisted on calling his parents last night, if his parents were like those car owners on the Fuyang Expressway last night, because the fog was stuck on the expressway...

"As of the press release, the fog on the Fuyang Expressway has all cleared up. However, some sections are still congested, and the majority of car owners are also invited..."

Rongrong turned off the TV.

He put the remote back on the coffee table, his fingertips stiff and cold.

Did something really happen to his parents during the month he was in a coma?

At the beginning, did he blame his parents and his brother wrongly?

Rongrong's heart throbbed violently.

Tears fell from Rongrong's eyes.

How to do?

He seems to have misunderstood a very important thing, but it seems that he will never be able to figure out the truth...

"How do you sleep here? Go upstairs if you want to sleep."

Rong Zheng came downstairs and saw Rongrong curled up on the sofa, urging him to go upstairs to sleep.

He patted Rongrong with his hand, and finally realized that something was wrong with Rongrong——

Rongrong's body was shaking.

Rong Zheng's face changed slightly.

He sat down on the sofa and called out tentatively, "Fleece—"

Rongrong, who was lying on his side, turned around suddenly, he hugged Rong Zheng with both hands, and buried his face in his brother's waist.

A suppressed, low-pitched cry like a cub entered Rong Zheng's ears.

Rong Zheng was stunned for a moment. He looked down at the boy in his arms who was crying until his body was shaking, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened? Or, what nightmare did you have again?"

The man in his arms nodded.

Rong Zheng's throat was slightly sore, did he dream of a tragic dream about his parents' car accident like last night?

Rong Zheng patted Rong Rong's back as he did when he was a child, "It's just a dream. Mom called in the morning to ask if your fever has subsided. My parents are all safe and they will be home at about noon. .You'll be able to see them soon, don't worry."

The man in his arms nodded slightly.

Rong Zheng patiently caressed the boy's bowed back.

Rongrong was tired from crying, and gradually fell asleep in Rong Zheng's arms.

Rongrong didn't sleep soundly at first, as long as Rongzheng tried to put him down, he would open his eyes nervously.

Rong Zheng had to keep patting him, letting his head rest on his thigh.

After a long time, Rong Zheng put Rongrong, who finally fell asleep, on the sofa. Rong Zheng didn't carry Rong Rong upstairs, afraid that if he tried to move him, Rong Rong would wake up.

When Aunt Wu saw Rongzheng go downstairs, she wanted to ask him to have breakfast, but seeing Rongzheng hugging Rongrong, Rongrong seemed to be crying in Rongzheng's arms, she didn't dare to say anything, so she took it from upstairs in a low voice. down the blanket.

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