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The courtyard of the Rong's house is relatively large, and the banquet is held outdoors. It is impossible to light the entire courtyard with string lights. That would be too bright, and it is easy to cause waste. Neither Rong Weishan nor Ying Lan have a temperament that likes to lay out. Not to mention Jian Yi and Rong Rong, the two are more afraid of waste than the other. Rong Zheng is as long as Rong Rong, who is a young birthday star, likes it.

Therefore, the huge courtyard, which is the only place for their banquet tonight, is equipped with warm-colored string lights and waits outdoors. The warm light and shadow cast on the ground, converging into a warm galaxy, the two people caged in the courtyard.

The night wind blows, blowing the string lights on the courtyard and trees to shake gently, and the light and shadow on the ground floats along with it. Rong Rong and Rong Zheng are just walking in this flowing light and shadow. ?kiss.

In the air, there is the fruity aroma of lemonade, the wine aroma of red wine and beer, the milky aroma of cake, and the sweet aroma of popcorn and pudding. These lovely and alluring aromas, none of which can match. The breath on his brother's body was about to fascinate and indulge him.

Rongrong has been exercising with his parents a lot during this time, but obviously he has not been serious some time ago. Probably because the publicity of the relationship between the two gave him confidence. Don't have that in mind? So worry about gains and losses. Exercise is also three days of fishing and two days of netting. Some people are naturally fond of sports, and Rongrong is probably the type who is born and likes to stay still. He often dragged his brother's hem when he ran, saying that he couldn't run and asked his brother to carry him. In this case, his physical fitness was of course incomparable to Rong Zheng.

For example, like now, as the kissing time goes on, Rongrong's anger can't keep up. Rong Zheng noticed it, his thumb touched his cheek soothingly, and slowly released the person. Rongrong's lips were a little numb, and he raised his eyes, just in line with his brother's. The surrounding lights were reflected in his brother's eyes, and he was in the center of the lights.

Rongrong likes his brother's eyes, and he likes the reflection of his brother even more. He raised his face and went to kiss his brother's eyes. Rong Zheng's eyes were open, Rong Rong kissed him, and he closed his eyes cooperatively. It was probably because the lips touched the eyelids and it was a little itchy. Rongrong could feel his brother's eyes move, and the eyelashes fluttered slightly, sweeping across his lips.

Rongrong's heart, like a petal blown by the breeze, also trembled slightly. When his brother opened his eyes, he curled his lips and smiled at his brother.

Rong Zheng's eyes filled with a smile, he put one hand around Rong Rong's waist, a slight smile curled his lips, turned around with Rong Rong, and looked at the people in the yard.

Su Ran was the first to applaud, and after Jian Yi reacted, he also clapped his hands. When Ling Ziyue saw, Jian Yi clapped his hands, he also clapped a few times, followed by Ling Zichao, Xiang Tian, ​​Sun Qi, Rong Weishan, Ying Lan

Ruan Yuman was inconvenient because she was holding the child, so she just looked at Rong Rong who was leaning in Rong Zheng's arms and smiling slightly.

Jian Zhuozhou put one hand on his wife's shoulder and whispered: "Don't worry too much, two men may not have a bad life. You see Zhuo Fan and his partner, don't you have a good life? Okay? You? Look how happy Xiaorong is laughing. I think a lot of times, we as parents are always afraid that our children will get hurt, so we worry about this, worry about that. Take ten thousand steps back and fall If you have a lot of troubles, you will know how to avoid it next time. For example, Zhuo Fan, the person he talked to for the first time."

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