Ch 8 - I'm Going With You

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"Have a pet in the bedroom?"

Compared to Rong Rong, the culprit, who was so embarrassed that he wanted to spiral into the sky, Rong Zheng, who was the victim, seemed much calmer.

The name Mint doesn't sound like a human name.

Thinking of mint, Rongrong felt depressed for a while.

He just left, not knowing if Mint was taken care of.

Because every time he goes out, he has to come home very late, so he will fill the cat food, nutrition bars and water with mint.

But the little chubby can eat, and the cat food and water are only enough for the little guy for two days at most.

The little guy is smart, he will bite open the bag of cat food to find something to eat.

He just bought the two bags of cat food in the rental house after his salary was paid at the end of last month.

How long should it last...


Before waiting for Rongrong's answer, Rong Zheng became suspicious.

Rongrong didn't deny it, but smiled, "Well. It's a little fat guy."

Whether he kept a cat in the dormitory or not, his brother would know as soon as he inquired about it, and it was easy to intervene.

Rongrong can tell a lie, such as falsely claiming that Mint is a stray cat he feeds at school, or a cat raised by his friend.

But he didn't want to.

He didn't want to call Mint any stray cat, or someone else's cat, as if doing so would kill Mint's existence.

He didn't want to do that.

Rong Zheng looked a little puzzled, "I remember you didn't like cats before."

Rongrong said excitedly, "Mint is different!"

Rongrong lowered the volume at the slightly stunned look in Rongzheng's eyes. He lowered his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Anyway, Mint is different from all cats anyway."

In his last life, Mint was his only family.

If it weren't for that accident, he would have died for Mint Pension.

In the minds of all pet owners, they should think that their pets are the most special, right?

Rong Zheng has never kept a pet, but he has met a lot of cat and dog lovers in his work and cooperation in the past, so he can somewhat understand Rong Rong's thoughts.

Rong Zheng didn't argue with Rongrong on this topic, "You've slept all afternoon, do you want to go downstairs to eat first?"

Rongrong probably knew that he should have slept for a long time, but Rongzheng was surprised when he heard that he had slept all afternoon.

"Am I able to sleep that much?"

Rong Zheng agreed in his heart that he could sleep well.

"Does your stomach still hurt?"

Rongrong felt it, "It seems... it doesn't hurt anymore?"

Rong Zheng nodded, "It should be the effect of the medicine."

"should be."

Rong Zheng stood up, "Let's go downstairs to eat first, my parents are waiting."

"it is good."

Rongrong lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Halfway up the quilt, he raised his head hesitantly, "Brother, at night... is it Mom or Aunt Wu?"

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