Ch 176 - It's Old Green Tea As Soon As You Open It

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When Qi Lin was out of the private room, he saw Xiang Tian and Sun Qi going downstairs together.

He also came down with him.

There were too many people on the dance floor, so he didn't follow him. Later, he saw Xiang Tian and Sun Qi heading towards the bathroom, and he followed behind them.

Xiang Tian never noticed him.

Xiang Tian stayed with Sun Qi all the time, and it was not easy for Qi Lin to find a chance to talk to Xiang Tian alone.

Seeing Xiang Tian come out of the bathroom alone, he stepped forward.

Qi Lin knew that Sun Qi would come out soon, so when he saw Sun Qi, there was no surprise on his face. He looked at Sun Qi calmly: "I didn't mean that, Mr. Sun, you misunderstood."

Sun Qi nodded her chin and smiled vaguely, "Well, it smells like that."

What does it taste like? Green tea flavor?

Qi Lin couldn't always slap Sun Qi, and asked him to explain clearly. Besides, if Sun Qi really wanted to explain clearly, he might be the one who brought shame on himself in the end.

Qi Lin did not reply. He looked away from Sun Qi's face and landed on Xiang Tian's face, "Is your mobile phone number still the same?"

Sun Qi narrowed his eyes.

The tea taste is too strong. In front of him, asking Xiaotian's number is already rude enough, and he deliberately asked if Xiaotian was using the original mobile phone number, making it seem like he used to have Xiaotian. Really so good, can you miss Xiaotian's life for so many years?

It's so annoying for someone who doesn't have a heart.

Xiang Tian: "Yeah."

Qi Lin has already taken out his mobile phone, and seems to be planning to save Xiang Tian's mobile phone number. Hearing this, he was silent for a moment, and then he looked into Xiang Tian's eyes, "I didn't expect that you always use the number I chose with you back then. up to now."

Sun Qi: "..."

Fuck it! This man is a green tea essence and did not run away.

The arms around his waist tightened.

Xiang Tian: "..."

Xiang Tian didn't hear what Qi Lin meant. He saw the nostalgia in Qi Lin's eyes. Qi Lin seemed to link the fact that he didn't change his phone number with their past. Xiang Tian did not agree with this association, especially on the premise that Qi Lin's association made Sun Qi unhappy.

Xiang Tian explained seriously: "The essence of mobile phones is for communication and contact. Both mobile phones and mobile phone cards are used for communication and contact. My mobile phone and mobile phone card have never been lost, and I have no reason to replace them."

Afraid that Qi Lin would not understand, Sun Qi even brought a translator, "Do you understand? We Xiaotian mean that the reason why he didn't change his phone number was because it was unnecessary. The cat or the dog bought it together, and it has nothing to do with half a dime. So, you can save all those brain supplements in your mind. Understand?"

Qi Lin didn't know whether he heard it or not, his eyes were still soft, he smiled at Xiang Tian, ​​and he handed his personal WeChat QR code to Xiang Tian, ​​"You are right.Add WeChat?"

Sun Qi's eyes were cold. Okay, this green tea is not only well versed in tea art, but also not generally strong in psychological quality. Also, if you are thin-skinned, can you become a tea master?

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