Ch 113

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"Jian Yi, fluffy, hurry up, you two! How do you two walk like a little old man?"

In the hot spring resort area, Ling Ziyue walked in front with big strides. From time to time, he had to turn his head and stop, impatiently urging Rongrong and Jian Yi who were slower than a turtle to walk behind him.

Rongrong's brows were filled with anger, he endured the physical discomfort, and his face was cold, "You go."

Sun Qi insisted on asking Rong Zheng to explain clearly what happened to him and Rong Rong, and why he and Rong Rong went together. Rong Zheng didn't want to embarrass Rong Rong, so Rong Rong and Ling Ziyue came over to take a hot spring together. Ling Zichao packed a soup pool and provided food. Rongrong knew that his brother and Sun Qi needed a formal conversation, and with food, he reluctantly went out.

The anger in Ling Ziyue's heart was almost unstoppable. He meow, is it rare for him to go with the plush? Isn't it because the plush fell slowly behind, that Jian Yi was too shy to walk in front with him alone? !

Ling Ziyue turned his head and hummed, "You think I'm rare!"

Despite Ling Ziyue's harsh words, he still slowed down on his feet. Yu Guang glanced at Jian Yi, waiting for Jian Yi to understand, have a good heart, and have a mutual understanding - he took the initiative to stick it up.

"Rongrong, what's wrong with your legs?"

Jian Yi is not as careless as Ling Ziyue. When he met Rongrong at the entrance of the hot spring, he noticed that Rongrong's walking posture seemed a little awkward, and he walked very slowly, as if every step was very hard, it should be Where is it hurt.

Jian Yi's eyes showed concern: "Did you bruise your feet while climbing the mountain? Have you invited the doctor from the infirmary of the scenic spot?"

Rongrong: "..."

Ling Ziyue was only about to stay where he was, and he didn't wait for Jian Yi to follow, instead he heard that he didn't care enough about Rongrong.

Ling Ziyue: "!!!" Mad, so angry!

Ling Ziyue walked back aggressively, crouched down in front of Rongrong, and said fiercely, "Come up!"

Magic can only be defeated with magic! Didn't Turtle Fleece walk slowly, making Jian Yi embarrassed to walk side by side with him? Then he walked with the turtle fleece on his back, wouldn't this problem be solved easily? Ling Ziyue praised his wit in his heart.

"Do not--"

Before Rongrong's refusal was finished, his body was suddenly pulled over by a strong force. Ling Ziyue took his hand and forcibly carried him on his back so that Rongrong's legs sandwiched his. waist. Rongrong's lower body immediately felt a tear, and his waist was about to be folded in half.

Rongrong's face turned blue in an instant, because there were other tourists around, he could only grit his teeth and lowered his voice, "Ling Ziyue, you fucking let me down!"

Is Ling Ziyue an obedient master? Not only did he not put Rongrong down, but he weighed his back, readjusted his posture, and walked quickly to the hot spring pool with Rongrong on his back.

Rongrong's lips turned white.

Jian Yi noticed Rongrong's pale face, he was a little worried, and hurried to follow, "Ziyue, walk slowly!"

Don't be too proud of the smile on Ling Ziyue's face. Jane Xiaoyi really likes him!

Every boy who falls in love likes duplicity.

Rongrong was going crazy, if it wasn't for his inconvenience now, he really wanted to screw this guy Ling Ziyue's head off.

His elbow went around Ling Ziyue's neck, restrained Ling Ziyue's front neck, and exerted force, "Fuck me!"

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