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Rongrong put her lips in front of Rongzheng, and was pushed away by Rongzheng with her index finger, "Go brush your teeth."

Rongrong got angry, "Brother, didn't you brush your teeth? I didn't despise you!"

Rong Zheng was unmoved, "Go wash."


Rongrong is so bold now that he dares to fight against his brother. His brother asked him to wash up, but he refused, turned over, sat on Rong Zheng's body, and forcibly touched his brother's face. The lips of the two were about to stick together, and Rong Rong's body was slightly stiff.

Rong Zheng stared at him, "Don't continue?"

Rongrong slowly got off his brother, and the tips of his ears were very red.

Rong Zheng touched his fingertips on the tips of his crimson ears, and said slowly, "When you're not ready, don't provoke me."

The ear was a little itchy from the touch, Rongrong took his brother's hand off the tip of his ear, and instead held one of his brother's fingers, saying stubbornly, "I can do it anytime."

Rong Zheng glanced down at him, "What can you do? What do you have here?"

Rong Zheng naturally didn't turn over Rongrong's drawers or cabinets, but he also knew that it was impossible for Rongrong's residence to have those things.

Rong Zheng's words were not so detailed, but Rong Zheng understood it right away. He didn't expect his brother to talk about it so calmly, he thought that his brother would never take the initiative to bring up these topics. What surprised him the most was, how did his brother know? Has his brother checked the specific details? ! His brother doesn't like homosexuality, nor is he the kind of person who would be curious about these things. Rongrong quickly figured out that his brother checked it out because of him!

If there is a tail, Rong Rong will happily wag his tail there at this time. His cheeks are still a little red, but his eyes are very bright, staring straight at Rong Zheng, "Brother, you have checked, haven't you?"

Rong Zheng raised his chin, kissed his little fox's lips, and smiled, "If I was fully prepared, I wouldn't take this step, boyfriend."

Including how to get along with the same person, how to not hurt the other half during sex, how to make both parties feel, how to know that the other party is ready, how to be more safe and comfortable, these All aspects of the information have been carefully checked.

Rongrong's heart beat violently. The three words "boyfriend", he said jokingly by himself, and said it from his brother's mouth, were completely different in nature. He never thought that one day just the word "boyfriend" would make him so excited that he wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

How can a kiss be? Rong Rong took the initiative to cater to Rong Zheng when he left his lips. He leaned down, digging the fingers of his right hand into his brother's hair, clumsily and greenly completing the first kiss that was truly his own.


The little fox was so excited that he couldn't control his strength, and the tip of his teeth bit his fruit.

In the bathroom, Rong Zheng was standing in front of the mirror, his lips had a cut, and the blood had solidified on it.

Rongrong took out a spare set of toiletries from the cabinet in the bathroom, squeezed toothpaste for his brother, and then connected the water from the mouthwash cup for his brother, and sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, brother."

Rong Zheng took his mouthwash cup and toothpaste, "It's okay, just practice more in the future."

Rongrong's cheeks flushed red.

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