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Ruan Yuman is pregnant, almost seven weeks pregnant. During this time, she often felt lethargic and tired easily. Because I didn't think about pregnancy at all, I only thought I was neurastheniac by the media and reporters some time ago, and I didn't get enough sleep, so I was very sleepy, and I didn't care.

A few days ago, Ruan Yuman felt a little pain in the lower abdomen and a little redness, and the husband and wife were a little panicked. Jian Zhuozhou accompanied his wife Ruan Yuman to the hospital for an examination, only to find out that Ruan Yuman was pregnant. After examination, Ruan Yuman had signs of threatened miscarriage, so she needed to be hospitalized for observation and miscarriage protection.

Ruan Yuman's mood was unstable after she was pregnant, so Jian Zhuozhou wanted to call Jian Yi over to accompany her more. Jian Yi has always maintained contact with his parents. Jian Zhuozhou knew that Jian Yi was returning to Fucheng today, so he called Jian Yi and asked Jian Yi to go to the hospital to accompany his wife.

It is said that pregnancy is a happy event. If Rongrong has returned to Jian's house and the family gets along happily, of course there is no problem in adding a little life at this time. The problem is that Rongrong hasn't returned to Jian's house now. Ruan Yuman is pregnant at this time, and Rongrong's identity is destined to be a bit embarrassing.

"I asked Xiao Yi, it was really an unintended pregnancy. Your mother didn't even know she was pregnant, and she was helping your father with the flower shop for the first few days in the hospital. Your mother is considered an older mother anyway. , If they plan to get pregnant, it is impossible for her to work so hard during this time. Rongrong, they are not the children they planned to have, which means that they…”

In Rong Weishan's view, there is a big difference between the planned child and the unexpected child.

If they plan to have a child, it means that the husband and wife may have never thought of letting Rongrong go back. To put it bluntly, they have no hope that Rongrong can return to Jian's house. That is, as parents often joke, since the tuba can't be found, they are ready to open a trumpet again and practice from scratch. However, in this matter, there should be a high possibility of an accident, and it can only be said that God's will tricks people. This child came at the right time... Hey, I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence.

"Meow~~~ Meow~~~"

Mint hasn't seen Rongrong for a long time. When Rongrong and Rongzheng just came back, he didn't know where to sleep. I don't know if I heard the sound or smelled the smell at this moment, so I ran over on the catwalk, and jumped lightly on Rongrong's lap.

Rongrong put her hand on Mint's belly and scratched lightly, interrupting his father's words calmly, "It's good."

Rong Zheng's eyes sank slightly.

It's good, and it's good. At that time, my parents asked Rongrong's opinion. He and Jian Yi took turns to live in their respective homes for a period of time, and Rongrong answered very well. In ordinary one-child families, if parents plan to have a second child after their children go to college, many only-children think that the birth of a second child will harm their vital interests, so they are strongly opposed, not to mention the situation like Rongrong.

That child, who was born in the Jian family, is bound to have a deep bond with the Jian family. Where's Rongrong? If he returns to Jian's house, the feeling of being an outsider will only be stronger. In this case, how can it be good?

Rong Weishan didn't expect his son's reaction to be so calm, which made him and his wife have no chance to say the comforting words they had prepared. At the same time, he was even more worried about his younger son, "Rongrong..."

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